I've been lazy. I have writings to post but as soon as I start working on them I try to find something else to do. Any tips out there on keeping me focused?
The contraction in his chest grew stronger. He was choking with every knockout beat his heart took. This feeling was not new. It is a feeling he recalls having during basic training. He entered the building by picking the gate located on the far right side of the property, as good a place... Read More
Hey welcome back ! Haha
I'm glad to see things haven't changed much here in SG land. You ladies are still beautiful and wickedly tantalizing. After reviewing you sets I feel compelled to hang out near tattoo shops and stalk thin legged, tight jeaned, pierced, eccentric emo/urban photographers in hopes that I could one day see something like you in person. I don't want to... Read More
I have a blind date tonight , it's my first one ever! I'm kind of scared because she only speaks Portuguese and my Portuguese is horrible!!! We could still communicate speaking Spanish and my broken Portuguese though... I just want this to be a good experience
Today is not starting off well. I have an exam to take and I'm not prepared for it. It's my fault for not being ready, but I just don't want to acknowledge it. I'm going to try to have the test rescheduled. EVERYTHING is riding on this test. I should have made a bigger deal of it when I was supposed to be studying... Read More
7:30 meeting with the AMC (Aventura Marketing Council) went good. I made new friends I dont have a hangover I have a gift of rarely getting any... Im happy
9:30 my brother and i go to our early voting location and after discovering that the line is way to long we decide to leave and wait for a longer line come Nov 4th
Im so fucking pissed!!!!
so tonight i just gotr back form the dollhouse in north miami beach.... its a strip club that me and my boys are regulars at..... so i drop 200 for the night biyin my boys lap dances and the time i want alap dance they pussy out sayin they can put together 25 dollars for a friction dance with my fav... Read More