so i'm chilly here in CT. it's still fucking cold. does it get warm up here eventually?
been spending the last week with my folks. haven't seen them in a little over a year. and since they were an hour away up in Hartford, i decided i might as well go visit. always good to see the parents again, as long as the visits aren't...
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Evidently we can't get Mountain Dew here in the UK. It's rather pants.
back online after forvever and a day!
i'm here in the States again, in Connecticut. oh boy.
shit, i'm happy to have the internet again!
hope everyone is doing swell!
so i got one week left in Japan. then i'm back to the States for some fun filled times!

fun fun fun!
so i had a dream about Vegas. i was all partying at some club, and then i got into the VIP section. then i starting talking to Paris Hilton. don't ask me where these thoughts come from, but there I was....in the VIP, with Paris Hilton. we all ended up get invited up to her room, and ended up having an outragous time. like everyone...
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it's like this... A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo and when the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first. This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the...
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some people treat their bodies like a temple.
i treat mine like an amusement park.

man, i cannot wait to get outta here. enough whining, on with the fun!
i'll be in vegas on january 27th-30. i have 2 rooms reserved, VIP tickets to some clubs,, and about 5 of my friends from all over are coming. I'll be staying at the Luxor. so for all 4 of my friends here, COME OUT AND PLAY!!! it's gonna be...
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