Yes. I am a geek. You want to know how much of a geek I am? I have created my own country. That's right and you can too!
Check this out....
My country!
In other news, I went to the Seattle-Portland game last night. It kind of sucked! 1-1 tie. Plus the officiating sucked, but it was all worth the Newcastle Nut Brown Ales I had!

Check this out....
My country!
In other news, I went to the Seattle-Portland game last night. It kind of sucked! 1-1 tie. Plus the officiating sucked, but it was all worth the Newcastle Nut Brown Ales I had!

i'm glad you think cats have 'personality'. i've always been more of a cat person. i don't hate dogs, its just that i like cats more. you are right, but its strange that we think that guys have to like dogs. maybe its because of that whole 'man's best friend' thing.