There are those people out there who misunderstand me. They mistaken me for being some dumb idiot. I was a little hurt this weekend. I made a mistake on a date of some event and I get dissed on over this. It is not the first time this has happened to me. I get put down at work because I forget to place some work order in the proper files. Other incidents have happened in the past and I cannot fucking help it! I wished I could function normally but I cannot.

Because I have ADD (attention deficit disorder) DOES NOT fucking mean I am stupid. Get it? I AM NOT FUCKING STUPID OR A DORK!!! People have this godamn misconception that we are idiots. We are not! I know I am not!

I must admit I have gotten better at trying to remember things but please don't put me down because of my imperfections. Am I a geek? Yeah. Sensitive? A little bit. Stupid? HELL NO! Anybody ever calls me stupid again, I will rip their head off and shove it up their ass!
I really won't do it. I am not violent but seriously though. I am venting out my frustrations!

I think you should read some Henry Rollins and then tell me whether I would like it.