This winter one of my friends and mentors from the Marines killed himself. I was already in a dark spot at the time where I was drinking too much and being a hermit. I was going to quit drinking the day I found out but instead turned into a blubbering mess and drank a bottle of scotch. That was almost two months ago and I...
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Every time I take a step forward I end up taking two steps back. This might be my deepest hole yet. I'm living in the valley of the shadow of death...again. I need to be surrounded by wildness and fresh air.
It would have been a good day to go out and wander around taking pictures, but it's also a good day to stay in and watch movies. Until the beer runs out anyway.
I picked up a second job burning wood piles of dead and diseased trees. We usually drink beer all day while we are doing it. Well today my "foreman" convinced me to go to the bar afterwards, and I woke up an hour ago wondering how the hell I got home and what the hell happened at the bar. Don't black out before 5pm, it's...
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I really want to believe that the universe is like The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
I started my half sleeve over a year ago and I only have the first part done. Now I have all of these other ideas for tattoos and no money for any of it. Hopefully now that I am working a second job I will be able to at least be able to finish what I started and maybe afford a tribute to a mentor...
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If anyone has some I could sure use a little. Two jobs and no sleep is not my idea of a good time.
I usually put up pictures of my adventures but this one was at night in a snowstorm so pictures were pretty much out of the question.
My good friend pulled me out of my apartment where I've more or less been holed up in for a couple of days to take me on a mystery adventure. I'm pretty stoked I have a friend like her...
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Well Saturday was a shit show, I'm really hoping that everyone is too hung over on St. Patty's day to come out. Of course this is just a pipe dream I'm sure, it's the weekend of drunk assholes and bad tippers, guess I'm just going to have to be drunk at work. Yeah, that's definitely going to be a must.