Nice Rainy day. Makes me think of cocktails and Dub reggae.
corpse reviver #2
3/4 ounce good gin.
3/4 ounce Cointreau.
3/4 ounce Lillet blanc.
3/4 ounce fresh lemon juice.
2 drops absinthe or Herbsaint.
Combine in a shaker with cracked ice; shake and strain.
Sugar rim Martini glass, garnish with a stemless cherry.
Really my favorite cocktail but a ton of work getting the absinthe not withstanding.
Must use high quality gin, like Citadelle, and fresh lemon or ye shall not revive.
Nerd time:
- Open a telnet window (a windows Command Prompt would do fine..start menu>run>type cmd)
- type: telnet
-Enjoy the whole show

corpse reviver #2
3/4 ounce good gin.
3/4 ounce Cointreau.
3/4 ounce Lillet blanc.
3/4 ounce fresh lemon juice.
2 drops absinthe or Herbsaint.
Combine in a shaker with cracked ice; shake and strain.
Sugar rim Martini glass, garnish with a stemless cherry.
Really my favorite cocktail but a ton of work getting the absinthe not withstanding.
Must use high quality gin, like Citadelle, and fresh lemon or ye shall not revive.
Nerd time:
- Open a telnet window (a windows Command Prompt would do fine..start menu>run>type cmd)
- type: telnet
-Enjoy the whole show

Have you ever met CC's friend Tom? He was doing some wormwood experiments. But as I said, that's not really something I supprt. Whereas DIY glove boxes, well, that's just so awesome that it's, wel, joyous. You should come live with us and run the experiment department. I'll be in charge of making bags for all and sundry purposes and growing herbs and tomatoes. Craig can make up silly names and be barbecue dude. Sound like a plan?
Can I just say I'm so glad you're here to share my after-work blahs?
I went for beer tonight in the Todai beer garden with two guys I know from Columbia. I brought my own mosquito coils and they worked like John Henry, which is to say, reallly well. They laughed, but we didn't get bit, which is saying something, cuz I draw the little suckers like a fuckin magnet.
Are you still enjoying the naked ladies? I've been finding myself feeling kind of depressed lately b/c there are all these sweet young things, age 19, who think they're all grown, and it just makes me feel blue as they strip. But they are cute...if you go for baby girls, which obviously lots of people do.
On that point, did I tell you about my new-found penchant for highschool boys? It freaked me out big-time when I realized, but then it faded, and now I'm kind of ignoring it. But they *do* look good in summer kimono. So do the grown men. Gah.
Yay, I'm having fun with the casual blog too. Hate to say that actually as I have resisted the my space and flikr trends, but this includes naked women which makes it seem much more unsavory and more to my liking.
Your own mosquito coils!?! wow, thats sweet. I usualy just endure the pain of a thousand bites.
I hear you on the young things. I actually like the few 30 something girls here the most. I have to admit and come to terms with the allure of youth thing that rises like a tide as I age. Given where I work there are young things around all the time and I started noticeing my attraction to them increase after I turned thirty. Not really like I want to be with them, especialy after they speak and either their naivet shines and repluses (I forget that people actualy talk about makeup or celeberties), but there is something intoxicating about the vibrance of youth. Of course there are those few that are smart, nerdy, and young....then I am mush. I am with you on the ignoring. That's what I do most of the time. There are moments though where you just have to enjoy the moment of 10min crush on a 19yo.