Random thought on Muses
Are they ever around when you need them? Sure they come by when the weather is fair, the breeze is blowing the sun shining....when you actually wouldn't mind being creative on you own...but when things turn ugly and the clouds are dark and the wind a howling they are usually too busy smoking and drinking to provide much help. Not that its a bad thing, just kind of like when your dad swore that he was going to hold on to your bike seat the whole way down the block.
Current animals I am at war with:
Catipillars (Gulf Fritillary to be exact)
I will go Passion of the Christ on your little asses.
Cease Fire animals:
Gila Woodpecker(Melanerpes uropygialis)
Don't peck my house and I won't bb your head. Solid lession for the Middle East.
Allied Animals:
Horned Lizard (Phrynosoma solare)
Eat the ants and ye shall be my friend
Oyster loaf is good eats.
Are they ever around when you need them? Sure they come by when the weather is fair, the breeze is blowing the sun shining....when you actually wouldn't mind being creative on you own...but when things turn ugly and the clouds are dark and the wind a howling they are usually too busy smoking and drinking to provide much help. Not that its a bad thing, just kind of like when your dad swore that he was going to hold on to your bike seat the whole way down the block.
Current animals I am at war with:
Catipillars (Gulf Fritillary to be exact)
I will go Passion of the Christ on your little asses.
Cease Fire animals:
Gila Woodpecker(Melanerpes uropygialis)
Don't peck my house and I won't bb your head. Solid lession for the Middle East.
Allied Animals:
Horned Lizard (Phrynosoma solare)
Eat the ants and ye shall be my friend
Oyster loaf is good eats.
An abyss filled with hot punky girls is a fine place to be for me!
Any interest in starting a BBQ group? I just made some kick ass Chilpolte / maple slow cooked ribs. Good times.
Can Keith Allen be our, um, resident king?
God, I still have an insane crush on that man. Jeezus.
Oh, I forgot. I came in here to tell you that Operation Dragon Drop has commenced. I'll send you an email about that, but first things first.
Dude. Ribs. I'm regressing into frat-boy grunt land.