Cold weather and Las Vegas make JP a dull boy.
Cold weather and Las Vegas make JP a dull boy.
Cold weather and Las Vegas make JP a dull boy.
Cold weather and Las Vegas make JP a dull boy.
Cold weather and Las Vegas make JP a dull boy.
Cold weather and Las Vegas make JP a dull boy.
Cold weather and Las Vegas...
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Cold weather and Las Vegas make JP a dull boy.
Cold weather and Las Vegas make JP a dull boy.
Cold weather and Las Vegas make JP a dull boy.
Cold weather and Las Vegas make JP a dull boy.
Cold weather and Las Vegas make JP a dull boy.
Cold weather and Las Vegas...
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Taco tour! Taco tour!
So I'm listening to Craig's cousin's ipod (he's visiting and clogging up my post-Cambodia world), and since he's 21--a sweet bearded young thing, all told--I had great hopes for fashionably I-ain't-heard-it rocknroll revelation. I mean, I'm over thirty, so officially mistrustable, but you know what? The music on Joe's ipod is all pretty, I don't like it. If I want to listen to pretty, I'm'a listen to opera, and I am not shittin you. I don't need some two-bit post-emo guy to have some keyboard piano riff to afflict me with. ICK. God. I have to listen to the ramones. I mean, we were having stereo wars with Joe and I everything I could come up with was along the lines of "way before you were born, little dude," but SHIT. OK, to be fair, he's played me some things I like but most of it is way too fucking PRETTY. I don't want pretty music. Pretty clothes? OK. But that's about it. Well, I like pretty cakes. But pretty music? Yugh.
That's my rant for today. Now I have to go make sure I have enough calories on the stove to counteract that bottle of wine Craig's friends' cousin gave us (me?) as a new year's present.
So I'm listening to Craig's cousin's ipod (he's visiting and clogging up my post-Cambodia world), and since he's 21--a sweet bearded young thing, all told--I had great hopes for fashionably I-ain't-heard-it rocknroll revelation. I mean, I'm over thirty, so officially mistrustable, but you know what? The music on Joe's ipod is all pretty, I don't like it. If I want to listen to pretty, I'm'a listen to opera, and I am not shittin you. I don't need some two-bit post-emo guy to have some keyboard piano riff to afflict me with. ICK. God. I have to listen to the ramones. I mean, we were having stereo wars with Joe and I everything I could come up with was along the lines of "way before you were born, little dude," but SHIT. OK, to be fair, he's played me some things I like but most of it is way too fucking PRETTY. I don't want pretty music. Pretty clothes? OK. But that's about it. Well, I like pretty cakes. But pretty music? Yugh.
That's my rant for today. Now I have to go make sure I have enough calories on the stove to counteract that bottle of wine Craig's friends' cousin gave us (me?) as a new year's present.
OK. I'm going nuts. I just spent 800 bucks shipping books back to the US and I deleted whatever you had sent as a flag design. See, usually I use PINE--no graphics to fuck with my concentration,and whatever you had up there went by the deletey wayside. ANd I have no patience/time right now in the middle of getting drunk on yummy beer that my husband bought me and packing all my horrible crap that I suspect I may not want anyway to upload *my* design (which looks like a 6-year-old drew it). But here's the idea. 6-year-old-drawing of a pig's face plus cross-bones. I can't draw for shit, but it's kind of funny. Then, and this is the part that I'm really serious about--like, I wanna incoporate and I'm fixing to Shanghai either Peter. Moni, or my mom to get it done, we gotta have The Church of Barbecue + The Sandwich Ministry. I'm serious about this shit. I'm ready to be a priest. I've heard my calling. And the flag is kicking my ass. At the very least I can have an internet presence. I mean, well, maybe I should clarify. Main organization is the Church. Clearly need Sandwich Ministry. Happy to have other arms and branches. Like beer study. Speaking of which, I gotta go to sleep, but mainly the pig's in the middle, and the church and the ministry run along either side. I'd like to add a fork as a finial on the flag pole, but I'm afraid Peter will stab some nice Catholic lady in the ass and then there will be hell to pay.

OK, but not huge feedbacks from Japan back to mainland buddhism?
Damn, now I have to go learn about Soka Gakkai and Tenrikyo. I just need to find a job where I get to be a nerd all the time. I suppose that is grad school, but I just want to be a little nerdy in a lot of areas. Is knowledge whore in the urban dictionary.
Damn, now I have to go learn about Soka Gakkai and Tenrikyo. I just need to find a job where I get to be a nerd all the time. I suppose that is grad school, but I just want to be a little nerdy in a lot of areas. Is knowledge whore in the urban dictionary.
No, not huge feedbacks. Minor, occasional feedbacks--really minor.
OK, so I tried to call spaz girl three times today and I can't get through. I sent her an email at the most official-sounding address I have for her like a week ago....nada. Going to Seattle on Wednesday.
You got any ideas? Sorry to ask.
Also...I've had a music glitch--a couple times, but it's because I'm a moron,
not because there's an actual techinical problem. More soon, probably to the toon of "Oh, Oyster Dude, you are such a music MAVEN! Woah!" Thanks in advance.
Meantime I'm having a super-flake freakout about this goddamn conference paper that I haven't written and seem incapable of writing. Guh. And again, I say: duh.
How was Grandma?
OK, so I tried to call spaz girl three times today and I can't get through. I sent her an email at the most official-sounding address I have for her like a week ago....nada. Going to Seattle on Wednesday.

Also...I've had a music glitch--a couple times, but it's because I'm a moron,

Meantime I'm having a super-flake freakout about this goddamn conference paper that I haven't written and seem incapable of writing. Guh. And again, I say: duh.
How was Grandma?
Off to camp on the eel river in Northern CA. Sweet sounds of water flowing and Reggae on the river.
Finished the solar powered boom box I have been working on so we will have tunes.
Enjoy the week wherever you are.
Finished the solar powered boom box I have been working on so we will have tunes.
Enjoy the week wherever you are.

Mmm. Secret trading place. I just back from in-law vacation. Craig's sacked out in too-much-beer slumber, and I'm annoyed at him and on-line. But he *did* give me my own iPod for my bday and I'm scheming on how to get my own personal world on there. Whatcha been up to? Hokkaido was FUCKING AWESOME. Dude. When I get excited I regress into Westcoastese.
Yes, northern island. Yes Russkies. They don't just claim, though, they've settled. Fact, that's why the J colonized Hokkaido in the first place, I hear--to forestall any other colonial move-ins.
Now I'm off to see the mummies. I'll write when I get back--cool travels, dude.
Now I'm off to see the mummies. I'll write when I get back--cool travels, dude.
Nice Rainy day. Makes me think of cocktails and Dub reggae.
corpse reviver #2
3/4 ounce good gin.
3/4 ounce Cointreau.
3/4 ounce Lillet blanc.
3/4 ounce fresh lemon juice.
2 drops absinthe or Herbsaint.
Combine in a shaker with cracked ice; shake and strain.
Sugar rim Martini glass, garnish with a stemless cherry.
Really my favorite cocktail but a ton of work getting the...
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corpse reviver #2
3/4 ounce good gin.
3/4 ounce Cointreau.
3/4 ounce Lillet blanc.
3/4 ounce fresh lemon juice.
2 drops absinthe or Herbsaint.
Combine in a shaker with cracked ice; shake and strain.
Sugar rim Martini glass, garnish with a stemless cherry.
Really my favorite cocktail but a ton of work getting the...
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I mean, I tried to design my own drooly face so that I could upload the gif and volunteer it to SG, but I got annoyed because...well, I'm just not that much of a computer geek. My interest evaporates before I solve problems.
Have you ever met CC's friend Tom? He was doing some wormwood experiments. But as I said, that's not really something I supprt. Whereas DIY glove boxes, well, that's just so awesome that it's, wel, joyous. You should come live with us and run the experiment department. I'll be in charge of making bags for all and sundry purposes and growing herbs and tomatoes. Craig can make up silly names and be barbecue dude. Sound like a plan?
Can I just say I'm so glad you're here to share my after-work blahs?
I went for beer tonight in the Todai beer garden with two guys I know from Columbia. I brought my own mosquito coils and they worked like John Henry, which is to say, reallly well. They laughed, but we didn't get bit, which is saying something, cuz I draw the little suckers like a fuckin magnet.
Are you still enjoying the naked ladies? I've been finding myself feeling kind of depressed lately b/c there are all these sweet young things, age 19, who think they're all grown, and it just makes me feel blue as they strip. But they are cute...if you go for baby girls, which obviously lots of people do.
On that point, did I tell you about my new-found penchant for highschool boys? It freaked me out big-time when I realized, but then it faded, and now I'm kind of ignoring it. But they *do* look good in summer kimono. So do the grown men. Gah.
Have you ever met CC's friend Tom? He was doing some wormwood experiments. But as I said, that's not really something I supprt. Whereas DIY glove boxes, well, that's just so awesome that it's, wel, joyous. You should come live with us and run the experiment department. I'll be in charge of making bags for all and sundry purposes and growing herbs and tomatoes. Craig can make up silly names and be barbecue dude. Sound like a plan?
Can I just say I'm so glad you're here to share my after-work blahs?
I went for beer tonight in the Todai beer garden with two guys I know from Columbia. I brought my own mosquito coils and they worked like John Henry, which is to say, reallly well. They laughed, but we didn't get bit, which is saying something, cuz I draw the little suckers like a fuckin magnet.
Are you still enjoying the naked ladies? I've been finding myself feeling kind of depressed lately b/c there are all these sweet young things, age 19, who think they're all grown, and it just makes me feel blue as they strip. But they are cute...if you go for baby girls, which obviously lots of people do.
On that point, did I tell you about my new-found penchant for highschool boys? It freaked me out big-time when I realized, but then it faded, and now I'm kind of ignoring it. But they *do* look good in summer kimono. So do the grown men. Gah.
I'm all for being in charge of the experiment department. We need a name for for our collective though....Kashyyyk Gardens That's the wookie homeworld. I've been all about wookie culture friendly fur balls that use technology, live in tree houses, fix things by smashing when they are mad, friends with yoda, good at smuggling.....pretty much sums me up. I bet the wookies have kick ass space gardens as well.
Yay, I'm having fun with the casual blog too. Hate to say that actually as I have resisted the my space and flikr trends, but this includes naked women which makes it seem much more unsavory and more to my liking.
Your own mosquito coils!?! wow, thats sweet. I usualy just endure the pain of a thousand bites.
I hear you on the young things. I actually like the few 30 something girls here the most. I have to admit and come to terms with the allure of youth thing that rises like a tide as I age. Given where I work there are young things around all the time and I started noticeing my attraction to them increase after I turned thirty. Not really like I want to be with them, especialy after they speak and either their naivet shines and repluses (I forget that people actualy talk about makeup or celeberties), but there is something intoxicating about the vibrance of youth. Of course there are those few that are smart, nerdy, and young....then I am mush. I am with you on the ignoring. That's what I do most of the time. There are moments though where you just have to enjoy the moment of 10min crush on a 19yo.
Yay, I'm having fun with the casual blog too. Hate to say that actually as I have resisted the my space and flikr trends, but this includes naked women which makes it seem much more unsavory and more to my liking.
Your own mosquito coils!?! wow, thats sweet. I usualy just endure the pain of a thousand bites.
I hear you on the young things. I actually like the few 30 something girls here the most. I have to admit and come to terms with the allure of youth thing that rises like a tide as I age. Given where I work there are young things around all the time and I started noticeing my attraction to them increase after I turned thirty. Not really like I want to be with them, especialy after they speak and either their naivet shines and repluses (I forget that people actualy talk about makeup or celeberties), but there is something intoxicating about the vibrance of youth. Of course there are those few that are smart, nerdy, and young....then I am mush. I am with you on the ignoring. That's what I do most of the time. There are moments though where you just have to enjoy the moment of 10min crush on a 19yo.
Random thought on Muses
Are they ever around when you need them? Sure they come by when the weather is fair, the breeze is blowing the sun shining....when you actually wouldn't mind being creative on you own...but when things turn ugly and the clouds are dark and the wind a howling they are usually too busy smoking and drinking to provide much help. Not that...
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Are they ever around when you need them? Sure they come by when the weather is fair, the breeze is blowing the sun shining....when you actually wouldn't mind being creative on you own...but when things turn ugly and the clouds are dark and the wind a howling they are usually too busy smoking and drinking to provide much help. Not that...
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He looks like Brezhnev on a bad day. So sad.

An abyss filled with hot punky girls is a fine place to be for me!
Any interest in starting a BBQ group? I just made some kick ass Chilpolte / maple slow cooked ribs. Good times.

An abyss filled with hot punky girls is a fine place to be for me!
Any interest in starting a BBQ group? I just made some kick ass Chilpolte / maple slow cooked ribs. Good times.
BBQ group.
Very potentially--but it would require more socializing than I've been doing. Maybe we could get Megan and Damon to come on board and have a little club...with tits.
Can Keith Allen be our, um, resident king?
God, I still have an insane crush on that man. Jeezus.
Oh, I forgot. I came in here to tell you that Operation Dragon Drop has commenced. I'll send you an email about that, but first things first.
Dude. Ribs. I'm regressing into frat-boy grunt land.

Can Keith Allen be our, um, resident king?

God, I still have an insane crush on that man. Jeezus.
Oh, I forgot. I came in here to tell you that Operation Dragon Drop has commenced. I'll send you an email about that, but first things first.
Dude. Ribs. I'm regressing into frat-boy grunt land.
Summertime and the living ain't easy. I don't want to relive the whole 'Yea, but its a dry heat' debate.....its just god damn hot right now. 107F outside and I really wish there was a tunnel system that would connect my house to the movie theater, Mexican hot dog stand, sushi place, music store, and the Bambi bar. Maybe one of those giant size hamster...
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(I said Attempts)
No Romance
I haul our shit out of storage this weekend--pray for me.
Oh yeah, I need barbecue spy-names for Robstine. Got any ideas?