Oh dear lord.... LMMFAO!!!! I just "yelled" at people--AND THEY LISTENED! It was amazing. I even had to act all mean and shit, like I was gonna kick some ass... Great story... Some new guys came back drunk as fuck and were making a scene in the hallway of the hotel. Obviously, it's 0400 and I am in my room (equally inebriated) and heard them outside and I was like, "sweet, some company, let's go hang out." But then I decided to just see what would happen if I flipped the fuck out, so I stuck my head out the door and told them in the meanest voice I could muster without cracking up, "HEY! GO TO BED! NOWWW!" Dude, they looked like they were gonna shit themselves. It was awesome... LOL! They scurried like cockroaches. Of course, then I started laughing my ass off, and they all came back going, "DUDEEEE, I THOUGHT YOU WERE SERIOUS...."
Fucking hysterical..