I figured it out! I am adding favorite pics as we speak... I'm getting a little... distracted as I add them, so it may take a while.
Hey Evan
I wont let anyone RAIN ON MY PARADE
Anyway, I think I might be canceling my membership soon. Dont have many people talking to me and I never get on to look at pics anymore
No time.
If anyone wants to KIT, email me with your email address.
I wont let anyone RAIN ON MY PARADE
Anyway, I think I might be canceling my membership soon. Dont have many people talking to me and I never get on to look at pics anymore

If anyone wants to KIT, email me with your email address.
Hey there. I am, yeah, back and all. How have ya been?
OK, it's been nice having you as a SG friend!
Take care now!
Take care now!

Okay. I have a request to update my journal. I guess it had been a while. I've been diggin my job. Unfortunately I got a new boss only about a month into it. He's kindof a dweeb, He's one of those people who thinks he knows everything and always tries to be right. I quit my last job cuz I didn't want to be around...
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Good to hear there is someone who likes their job around here. And the best thing about paople like your boss, is how easily they can be ignored~
Selling houses would be a cool job, as long as you don't turn into Anette Benning from American Beauty!

Selling houses would be a cool job, as long as you don't turn into Anette Benning from American Beauty!

well. i have had an interesting week at work. i got a new boss. hes okay, but i think hes going to get on my nerves after a while. he seems very drama and i dont really have time for that when im trying to get my shit done. we'll see how it goes.
home life is good. my honey amd i went wedding shopping...
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home life is good. my honey amd i went wedding shopping...
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Hey there!
(purple rocks!)

(purple rocks!)

Update your journal, why don't you? It's only been almost a month!!!

Hello there all.
Hope everyone had a nice and spooky Halloween. I didn't, but it was fine anyway. I think I really have to plan a costume for next year, cuz whenever I don't plan one, I just end up hanging out at a friends house. It would be fun to dress evil and go out on the town for once.
I had a really...
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Hope everyone had a nice and spooky Halloween. I didn't, but it was fine anyway. I think I really have to plan a costume for next year, cuz whenever I don't plan one, I just end up hanging out at a friends house. It would be fun to dress evil and go out on the town for once.

I had a really...
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gah call me or something
xoxoxo Rose
xoxoxo Rose
hey! long time, no..uh..type...what's up?
I spent Haloween night cleaning my old apartment, but it's all good now. I'm so glad that's over with. Moving sucks so much.
Take care, talk to ya later!
I spent Haloween night cleaning my old apartment, but it's all good now. I'm so glad that's over with. Moving sucks so much.

Take care, talk to ya later!
To a world that never appreciated SHIT, YOU CAN SUCK MY DICK AND FUCKIN LIKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(I am actually fine, I just love that song)

(I am actually fine, I just love that song)
Also, we are going bowling tonight, Lelaini Lanes on Greenwood and 105th
Don't worry, we're very normal people. You are welcome to join us when ever you can.
Ok then. I guess I forgot where I was. I havent been here for a while. I have been busy at my new job and other shyit.
I can't believe the changes. How long has the site looked like this? I think it's a lot cooler this way but it will take a bit of geting used to.
Hope all is well with everybody. Sorry...
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I can't believe the changes. How long has the site looked like this? I think it's a lot cooler this way but it will take a bit of geting used to.
Hope all is well with everybody. Sorry...
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All is going pretty good over here, I am busy packing and getting ready to move.
Good to hear your job is going well.
Catch ya later!
Good to hear your job is going well.
Catch ya later!
Karaoke this week???

I am an office manager for Diamond Parking in Bellevue. I get to do the deposit and answer the phone and "enter data". COOL.
Anyway, I hope all is well with everybody.
I only have to suffer at the stupid bakery for two more shifts. Tomorrow and next Saturday. I FUCKING HATE THAT PLACE AND I'M SOOOOOOOOOOOO GLAD...
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This new job keepin' you from updating yer journal? Hmmm?

How is the new job treating ya, hmm?
O. K. I think my mood has improved. I am not mad at Mark. He just needs to stop telling me what to do.
I bought a pair of pants the other day. I get to go pick them up today. I had to have them hemmed cuz I'm SHORT! They're for interviews. Just a nice black pair. I had an interview yesterday and it...
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I bought a pair of pants the other day. I get to go pick them up today. I had to have them hemmed cuz I'm SHORT! They're for interviews. Just a nice black pair. I had an interview yesterday and it...
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oh u phone solicitor
oh u phone solicitor
Yea, don't be a telemarketer. Strangers will hate and verbally abuse you. And that's never good...
I love Mark with my whole being, but GOD he pissed me off this morning.
So first of all I'm sleeping in till like noon and he comes and wakes me cuz he's making breakfast. Cute that he's making breakfast, but I could've slept more.
Then we're eating and he's asking me what I'm going to do tomorrow for work. We have a friend who...
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So first of all I'm sleeping in till like noon and he comes and wakes me cuz he's making breakfast. Cute that he's making breakfast, but I could've slept more.

Then we're eating and he's asking me what I'm going to do tomorrow for work. We have a friend who...
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Hmmm...the ones you love always piss you off the most, huh?
But I have some advice for you... Get a damn job already!!! Sheesh!
Ok, just kidding, it'll happen when it's gonna happen, yer not homeless yet!!!

But I have some advice for you... Get a damn job already!!! Sheesh!
Ok, just kidding, it'll happen when it's gonna happen, yer not homeless yet!!!

Good call. Very good call.
Hey Everybody.
I've been busy this week trying to find work. Bleh, I've got a couple of leads though, so I'm not too worried.
I think I might be getting sick. The last couple days I've been SOOOOOOOOOOOO tired and my body is sore and shit. Today I went to get brakes on my car and I thought I was going to
just sitting there....
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I've been busy this week trying to find work. Bleh, I've got a couple of leads though, so I'm not too worried.
I think I might be getting sick. The last couple days I've been SOOOOOOOOOOOO tired and my body is sore and shit. Today I went to get brakes on my car and I thought I was going to

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avril blows..but yeah...im looking for a job that has to do with piercing or tattoo places..i dunno

Ever try a temp agency?
How about Bank Robber? That sounds pretty lucrative....!
How about Bank Robber? That sounds pretty lucrative....!
Well, it's Friday. Time to get ready for the weekend. I'm going out to clean someone's house today. I don't like that so much, but it's money, and right now I need it. My uncle gave me a loan while I was looking for a job, but now it's crunch time. If I don't find somethng this next week, I'll be working at Taco Bell....
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We SG Seattle folk will be doing Karaoke again on Wednesday, still interested? Same place as before about 9:30
y0 whats goin on..i see you met shane...hes a huge freak...lol