my brother* saw something weird in his basement last night. he said it looked like a glowing green lurpy elf from those old rankin-bass cartoons. it had banners and streamers trailing off behind it. his tv was on, too, and there was an image of a swing set with streamers tied to it. i guess it climbed his staircase and went away. he turned on the lights and went back to bed.
if it comes back and spooks him again, we're going to smudge the house with some white sage. that should really piss it off.
so, if i disappear it is probably because the quantum elves have taken me to their home dimension or something.
* here is his new power generation -era prince cum-salvador-dali picture.
new profile pic! i look 12! it is my pete townshend tribute.
if it comes back and spooks him again, we're going to smudge the house with some white sage. that should really piss it off.
so, if i disappear it is probably because the quantum elves have taken me to their home dimension or something.
* here is his new power generation -era prince cum-salvador-dali picture.
new profile pic! i look 12! it is my pete townshend tribute.
now those fucking elves are going to come to MY house. jesus christ.