Another worthless wasted day. There were a few job calls this morning but I didn't go. I decided to start drinking last night, perhaps to make up for how much I didn't drink over the weekend. At any rate I didn't get out of bed until almost 9 and dispatch is at 8:30. Doubt I would have gotten a job anyway but how F-n worthless do you have to be to not even get out of bed and try?
Got a lunch date at noon so I will put clothes on and get out of my chair today. Kind of pathetic what I do with my time. I could be doing something productive with all this free time. Nah I'll just continue to do this; I'm good at it.
Got a lunch date at noon so I will put clothes on and get out of my chair today. Kind of pathetic what I do with my time. I could be doing something productive with all this free time. Nah I'll just continue to do this; I'm good at it.
hehe, he's 6' and i'm around 4'11" - 5'