So after YEARS of being single and pretty much having no social life; the girl I've been seeing for about 3 weeks now is really cool. I think we are spending way too much time together and will probably burn eachother out but we're having great fun. We are entertained and amused by many of the same things and our personalities are just different enough to balance eachother out. She's a bright girl which in my opinion is MUCH more important than anything physical. In all relationships eventually the physical things die down and you are stuck having to talk to the person. If said person isn't intelligent enough to keep your attention you will be miserable. Not sure how long this will last but I think it's a much needed long over due thing in my life. I'm picking her up from work tonight and we are going to first friday, which is a art exhibit/music thing they have here in Vegas every month. This relationship takes up a lot of my time which is pretty cool cuz I'm drinking a lot less and it keeps my mind off of not having a job. Keep your fingers crossed for me that I don't fuck it up by being me.
yeah, rocky horror picture show is a next school year thing..can't effing wait!