Every morning I awake alone. I still sleep on the left side of the bed. Every morning it's just me and the monsters that swim perpetual laps in the ocean of my memory.
I enjoy this daily solitude but at the same time, a less introspective, more primitive side of me thinks I'd make a good breakfast tray, or buffet table - that someone should eat off me. Or just eat me - and clean the plate.
Cannibalize me.
Same image - two different sides, both physically and metaphorically. I find it pretty disturbing, actually, and wonder if there isn't some sort of screenplay lurking in those images.
Anyway, you should try it yourself some time.
- D -
P.S. - Thinking of shaving my head. Any opinion?
So whadda ya think? Would bald be a good look? Maybe just buzzed down to a half-cm or so?
I really want a second opinion before I haul out the trimmer.
- D -