Zombie Queen Update: Anyone going to Comicon in San Diego this year? I'll be there for four days from July 22-25. Where are all the hot, tattooed people in California? Why do I see significantly less of you whenever I am there? For shittsake, come on out, tackle me or something so that I know you actually exist! Help a sister out here.
In other news, I've already started on the 7th Anniversary Double Issue (our biggest yet!) so that's got me heavily tied up.
Speaking of knots, I've been trying to undo the emotional ones in my life. Things are coming along, I think.. I'm enjoying being a free agent and just doing what comes naturally. What DOES come naturally to dead girls anyway?
Our art director made this, it makes me laugh. What a pile of dogshit Van Helsing was.

In other news, I've already started on the 7th Anniversary Double Issue (our biggest yet!) so that's got me heavily tied up.
Speaking of knots, I've been trying to undo the emotional ones in my life. Things are coming along, I think.. I'm enjoying being a free agent and just doing what comes naturally. What DOES come naturally to dead girls anyway?
Our art director made this, it makes me laugh. What a pile of dogshit Van Helsing was.

vanhellstink was far wurse than a mangled car wreck full of deformed babies.

You're too lucky, woman... always getting to go to awesome conventions!!