This is a quick video tour of my office, The Rue Morgue House of Horror, where we publish Rue Morgue Magazine. It's a more than 100-year-old funeral home with a chapel and an embalming room, doors that go nowhere and stairs that lead to nothing in the creepy basement, which was full of giant drums of embalming fluid when Rodrigo first looked at purchasing it. My cousin Danny of all people was the real estate agent so we kind of lucked out. He said it was vacant for a while and no one really wanted to open a restaurant in a former morgue and it can't be torn down because it's a historic building. Nor did the owners want to sell it as another funeral home because they own two others in the area and didn't want competition. Potential buyers were creeped out when they did the math and realized literally thousands of dead people have been in this place over the years. It was perfect for us.
it's a pretty cool place to work, especially for a horror fan. And for a place that once housed so much grief, it's remarkably fun. Rue Morgue is a really close family, we fill it with a lot of laughter and good times. Thought some of you might want to check it out:
The Rue Morgue House of Horror
Oh and I realized afterward that I forgot to shoot the creepy basement so I'll do that this week.
it's a pretty cool place to work, especially for a horror fan. And for a place that once housed so much grief, it's remarkably fun. Rue Morgue is a really close family, we fill it with a lot of laughter and good times. Thought some of you might want to check it out:
The Rue Morgue House of Horror
Oh and I realized afterward that I forgot to shoot the creepy basement so I'll do that this week.
I WISH I could be at the HPL fest this year...I made it in 2005 when I had another feature play, but this year the stars are not aligned and the sub-aquatic elder gods have not looked favourably upon me. The year I move to Toronto would be the year I get into the fest again.
The music composer and costume designer will be there though...maybe they'll find you.

Someone told me you were moving to LA? I see you have gotten a couple tattoos since last we talked.