I wrote an editorial in the January issue of my magazine gushing over the Roger Corman-produced, kooky sci-fi/horror mind bender, Galaxy of Terror. I love, love, LOVE this movie, which has yet to see a proper DVD release, and publicly begged home entertainment distributors to track it down and do up a nice release. All the while, I completely forgot that my friend Charlie de Lauzirika (documentary filmmaker and the best DVD producer on the planet - he did the Alien Quadrilogy box set, the Blade Runner Ultimate Edition, Gladiator, American Gangster, Hannibal, The Hunger, Kingdom of Heaven, Legend, The Twin Peaks box set, and on and on) actually has the power to make it happen! He said he'd look into it. In the meantime, he sent me this hilarious mock-up for a laugh. Love it!!!!

I told him I definitely would like to be on board in some manner if he really intends on doing this for me - and all the other Galaxy of Terror lovers out there. The commentary by Jovanka Vuckovic thing is a joke, but I want on that DVD. I'm the film's biggest fan!!!
I swear to god, I have the coolest friends.

I told him I definitely would like to be on board in some manner if he really intends on doing this for me - and all the other Galaxy of Terror lovers out there. The commentary by Jovanka Vuckovic thing is a joke, but I want on that DVD. I'm the film's biggest fan!!!
I swear to god, I have the coolest friends.
So what is up with the new edition of Blade Runner they're advertising lately? Is that the same thing?
I'm confused. Too many Director's Cuts, etc. Though of course I don't mind when it comes to this particular one. The more the merrier!
dont you wish life was able to just let us not work at all
like the word "work" wouldnt be in the dictionary haha