When my friend Paul Booth invited me to spend Halloween with him in New York, I honestly couldn't think of anything more befitting. He and I spent October 31st in his amazing devil's den of a tattoo shop, Last Rites, with the door locked and the curtains drawn. The day and evening passed while we wore masks, watched movies, acted stupid, drank wine, laughed, told stories and... tattooed my hand!
I did NOT wine (well, maybe a little, just before we started - but not during!):
Wearing masks and getting ready to tattoo:

About to get hurt:
Being retarded:
Paul, being spooky:

Paul, being silly:

My demonic hands:
Here's my new Halloween tattoo! It's a crazy venus flytrap thing. I asked for huge teeth, I got huge teeth! I LOVE IT! Look at how swollen my freaking hand is:

That rat bastard just had to put the stem of the plant ON MY THUMB:
The other side of the hideous beast:
I can now say with absolute confidence that I will never get a normal job as long as I live. YAY!!!!!
Honestly, this was one of the best Halloweens I've ever had. Someone very close to me let me down in a big way just before Halloween so I desperately needed this little time-out and special moment to revive my soul a bit, even for just one day.
Thanks Paulie! I owe you one. Not just for the tattoo, but for being a true friend and a man of his word. Even if it is an evil, four-letter word.
I did NOT wine (well, maybe a little, just before we started - but not during!):

Wearing masks and getting ready to tattoo:

About to get hurt:


Being retarded:

Paul, being spooky:

Paul, being silly:

My demonic hands:

Here's my new Halloween tattoo! It's a crazy venus flytrap thing. I asked for huge teeth, I got huge teeth! I LOVE IT! Look at how swollen my freaking hand is:

That rat bastard just had to put the stem of the plant ON MY THUMB:

The other side of the hideous beast:

I can now say with absolute confidence that I will never get a normal job as long as I live. YAY!!!!!
Honestly, this was one of the best Halloweens I've ever had. Someone very close to me let me down in a big way just before Halloween so I desperately needed this little time-out and special moment to revive my soul a bit, even for just one day.
Thanks Paulie! I owe you one. Not just for the tattoo, but for being a true friend and a man of his word. Even if it is an evil, four-letter word.
Heh, rock