i really don't have anything new / different / exciting to add to this journal that would make me seem at all like an interesting person but in my insomnia inspired awakeness i am writing anyway.....yesterday it was BEAUTIFUL. sunshine makes me so goddamn peppy i almost scare myself. i think i am more then a little manic b/c no one in their right mind...
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Wow, interesting journal..I'm still learning about piercings myself, I have some friends who have many of them and I'm always facinated how they want to make them bigger. I just couldnt do it though, to my friends its very spiritual and just frankly them, maybe its because I dont like wearing jewelry as much as others. Who knows.

Ok, now I'm going to get attacked by all feminist in the world for saying this, but I will totally agree that girls do better job than guys when it comes to getting the clothes clean properly. As for me, I'm fucking lazy, just throw any and everything in the washer, no seperating no special treatment. Then permanent press them in the dryer,,then opps on the floor againsmile Laundry takes a lot of effort for me, but other things such as cleaning, I really dont mind one bit.

Sorry to hear about ur work situation, but I think you got an answer for those bad days...more baseballgames and sunshine!
yesterday was my first day working for the evil coffee empire that is starbucks. I don't care what anyone says about corp. coffee, this company rocks. they are so incredibly good to their employees and while some of it may just be starbucks' "propaganda" they do a lot for local communities. i am training in a store that makes very little profit but is maintatined...
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You can order that from the UK? Wow, I got to look into that big time...I'm going to withdrawl nowfrown
Omg thanks so much, I love thier mini eggs the most. But your right, there is something about thier chocolate that I greatly adore. I hope you dont mind, but I added you to my friend list, since help me find a gold mine! Thanks smile
the weekend in review:

friday: started out promisingly enough. we went to a really neat little vintage store where i put my name down for a crome table with a red top and got a set of orange mugs from the 50's with cherries on them. they work very well with my red to orange le creuset faded cookware. unfortunatly, upon arriving home i fell...
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Wish my parents had gotten me it, but instead it was just something I found laying in my yard one day and was all like 'Cool!'

And now its doubling as a tool of social expression that the politically correct masses just cant come to grips with.

So double cool.

And damn, I thought I wrote long updates. I think I made it to the second paragraph and then went to Google to try to find the Cliff Notes.

my backstreet boys cd is scratched. fuck.

that is all.
your previous entry was great...
I think you should have left the last post up longer. It was actually worth commenting on. The only response this deserves is- Ask me if I care?

Back to the last post...
I should have hung out more with you and Kim when I could have. You both pull the same amazing "I am the best girlfriend ever" routine, and you both seem very deserving of the title. Of course when I am amorously fixated I am deserving of the male title. Liz used to joke during our breakup- how am I ever going to find another boy who wakes me up with oral sex and breakfast in bed?

There is something truly wonderful to it though. So much personal happiness can be experienced through the happiness of another you love.

I personally never worry too much when it starts to fade though cause I know it will come back- its part of my personal vicous cycle. Eventually, it becomes too hard to maintain and kindnesses unreturned turn to feelings of being taken for granted. (Do something once and you get appreciation. Do something often and you get expectation.) So I withdraw for a bit- but never for too long, since the instinct in me to give is too strong. I want too much to return to that happiness I know I can experience.
i'm happy. very happy.

....more later when i fix my blasted keyboard and am not typing with a mouse.....

here's something to appease you, my adoring public, until further update....

holy crap! love


Those were nice thoughts by the way, I'll try to think that way.
Adoring public, eh? That's it- from now on my job is to keep your ego in check. Don't worry- it's what friends are for. God only knows what mine would be like if my friends didn't knock me back down to size.

The gloves in that pic look way to big for you- especially from that prospective. Now the fishnet pics are fucking HOT. As well as the black latex boots you have on in the other photo.

You might have the world's hottest junk- too bad I never got to see.

PS: Add me to your friends list.

[Edit] I stand corrected.

[Edited on May 08, 2003]
its time....

Feeling strong. Looking forward. The future awaits.
hey-- just read your post from earlier 'cause i wanted to ask how you liekd the postal service show -- looks obv. liek you didn't go in which case lemme tell you it was not as great as the record by any means -- vocals for ben and the chick were off and jimmy hada bad cold so it was def. a bit of an off night -- the visuals were cool, but if you stayed home and enjoyed the record you'd have as much fun.

hope you are swell and that your trip has gone well -- moving is sooo much work but can in the end be very refreshing and rad! i've lived in seattle, miami, cleveland, new york/ brooklyn, and in east tennessee, so...
Kim's really upset that she didn't get to say goodbye to you...so I would call her if you get a chance. Good luck on the move...a change is sometimes exactly what is needed.
my ear fucking hurts. it hurts a lot. it is swollen and sore and pulsating and oozy. i called my doctor but in order to get antibiotics (he's a bit conservative in regard to my piercings and has refused antibiotics in the past) i told him i had a urinary tract infection. but, instead of giving me what doctors normally give (a general antibiotic like...
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I wonder if I fall into the A or B category.

Sounds like the ex is just coming to grips that it's over and done with and he wont have a chance to 'get you back' and all that stupid jazz people can delude themselves into thinking.

So what did you learn while doing that paper? Sounds semi-interesting.

I think perhaps i fall in to both as well but dont worry i think spelling errors are cute hell i make them all the time. spelling has never been my strong suit. and just so you know i just got back from running so it actually feels good to sit down and get stuck into a long journal entry
i really don't have much to say thats interesting but in general i am feeling a lack of motivation to do anything producive; hence this entry. yesterday i felt like a crackhead. i didn't sleep the night before thanks to flying back and forth and a horrible fux0rd sleep schedual. talked to brent all morning, then did fun stuff in the sunshine with j. we...
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Hexy sexy- it's Jeff (Kim's roommate)...nice to see you joined SG. Warning: SG is eye crack. And that's before people get to know you and start posting to your journal.

[Edit] Jesus Christ almighty you are a JAP. Of course I knew that but its fun to actually read your yiddish filled diatribe. Good thing I don't scare easy.

Anyway relax- get out and go enjoy Seattle while you still can and maybe you won't be sitting at home staring at the munchies. Go to First Thursday Art Walk for one last time. Come over and bother us at the house...we're good people. Spoil yourself rotten with nice pretty handbags that you can't eat. [I know I spoil myself rotten. God knows I fetched a fair price when I sold my soul to M$.]

PS: Are you going to see Postal Service at the Crocodile tonight?

[Edited on Apr 30, 2003]
a wee smattering of new photos from bob libby. i cannot wait to get the whole bunch of images, especially the cage photos.

So have you had a chance to check out Cle yet? I havent had a chance to, so Im interested in hearing what its all about up north.

home. the flight wasn't bad...popped a tylenol pm and slept the entire way. got into seattle and immediatly and went and got my foot worked on for another 3 hours. this time it hurt. the first time wasn't nearly so bad but this time he fully covered that bit of ankle bone that pops out. oh sweet holy mother of todd! but now its beautiful....it...
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