the weekend in review:
friday: started out promisingly enough. we went to a really neat little vintage store where i put my name down for a crome table with a red top and got a set of orange mugs from the 50's with cherries on them. they work very well with my red to orange le creuset faded cookware. unfortunatly, upon arriving home i fell into some weird slumpy depression i think just from a mixture of homesickness, missing, overwhelmedness...etc...luckily brent is oh so fantastic and put up with my shecreftyness. he even stuck out a crying fit with me. after i got over my emo moment we headed outr to a meeting and along the way he stoped and got me a motherload of choclate. so i ate and ate and ate which really only made me pissed at myself for binging but at least it gave me enough of a seratonin boost to make it thorgh the evening. Went to the chagrin friiday meeting...the lead wasn't very good but it was alright. i saw some peopel from past meetings that i knew and that was nice...there are some good people in aa. i feel a little strange going to meetings with him b/c i do not have a problem with alcohol or any other addiction and i am not currently sober. (i don't drink regularily but wine with dinner etc...on occasion) but i like to try to support and understand that part of him. Plus, just as i lliked going to chapel while i was at stony brook, there is something nice about the meetings....its an hout just to think and reflect and usually i can find something to relate to in every one. after that we came to my abode, watched I Married a Strange Person (bill plimpton = so good) and went to bed.
saturday: woke up way to early and started the morning off with a bit of a tiff over a not i got from a someone in our past sort of creeping up again. some things just never seem to go away and just when i want to be happy i have to remind myself not to be too can only come with trust and trust has not been earned yet. Paubla Neruda said "loving is so short, forgetting is so long" - i couldn't aggree more. luckily, i went back to sleep after the early morning fight and woke up to some oh so fantatsic goodness.i didn't know that what he did was possible...then he did it again...and again....i got out of bed positivly exhausted. after that we went to his familys house and i hung out with his brother justin who i really enjoy while he did some work at his place. i made ubercookies (whitechoclate,darkchoclate, coconut, almond chunk) for the meeting he was chairing that night. after baking we went out to Chagrin for awhile. i love that town, it is so my destiny...i must need to live there. we even pretended to houseshop - it was a bit cute and a bit nervous-ing - you don't talk about "forever's all the time with someone you are not in lovewith right? - meh, i dunno all the silly relationship rules but i doo know that his word choice is somoetimes very confusing for inexperianced little moi. Also on saturday he wore the utilikilt for the first time. it gave me a massive hardon. its strange dating someone who is so attractive to me...its almost difficul / intimidatingt sometimes.... i wonder, "what the hell is someone like this doing with someone like me...." not that i am a yetti but excepting a bit of a weaker jawline then i usually go for, he is simply ideal. he isreally really pretty and i don't just mean that in an idiotic girlfreind way, his bone structure is phenominal...but its runs it the family, i would fuck him, his sister, and his brother....really good genes....even his parents are still really good looking family is so not goodlooking people. we are short mangled little jews....i want to pass his nose on to my offspring. anyway, walked around Chagrin and i bought a couch. its really nice. i didn't need to spend 1200 on a couch butit was on sale and so comfy....its a mitchell gold which is the same company that makes all of pottery barns stuff so i know its really good quality as well. now all i need is a desk and a dining room set and i am finished. things are really coming together. after the couch buying we went to the meeting which i tought was really good. the lead was fantatsic, brent got a lot out of it, and i found myself relating a lot as well. after the meeting we headed to his place and went to bed....i feel old just going home and going to bed everynight but....
Sunday: ....this morning we got up at 5 (actually, i woke up at 3 for some weird reason...) and we drove several hours to his mom's house. it was nice meeting his mother tho it was weird being there with meegan, justin, his mom, him and me....the outsider. he house was beautiful tho and she was a really sweet lady tho definatly a protecting mother hen. we left his mom's this afternoon, did some shopping for the house (mmm, new 300 thread count ralph lauren sheets and matching towles) and i got a few polo's for work...which starts tomarrow. starting tomarrow i am yet another among the consumer coffee slinging whores but all the same, i am really looking forward to it. its a really great location and fun people seem to work there tho i hear trhough the proverbial graoevine that the manager can be a bit of a *female flower.* i am looking forward to making some nonbrent-related friends. not that i don't enjoy him or the great peopel i have met through him but i want freinds of my own. Anyway, finally we came home, i made frozen hot choclate (*gasm*) and he swept and mopped my whole house while i did some laundry(*gold star boyfreind points for him*). we work well togteher he and i *le sigh* then i put him to bed b/c he needs his rest and here i am writing out the details of a somewhat uneventful (at least from a storytelling point of view) but very comfoting weekend.
this particluar holiday - mothers day - is always a weird one for me. i called my grandma but it didn't cross my mind for a second to call my mother. at the friday meeting the lead talked a lot about forgiveness and making amends and as much as i belive in the importance of such things, whats the point of trying to build a relationship with a person who is a clinical sociopath for whom you have no respect? - none is who you want it to be. however, when i saw brent with his brother and sister and mom it made me wish a bit that i had someone to love me other then my dog and my grandma who really only has a few years left at most and isn't really the same grandma anymore. but meh, family schmamily...i havn't had one before, i don't need one now....tho i REALLY miss my puppy and being cleo's mommy is just not the same as being maddie's momma.
ok, i am tired, i am gonna gone finish up the laundry and crawl into bed, i cannot keep my eyes open a minute longer.
friday: started out promisingly enough. we went to a really neat little vintage store where i put my name down for a crome table with a red top and got a set of orange mugs from the 50's with cherries on them. they work very well with my red to orange le creuset faded cookware. unfortunatly, upon arriving home i fell into some weird slumpy depression i think just from a mixture of homesickness, missing, overwhelmedness...etc...luckily brent is oh so fantastic and put up with my shecreftyness. he even stuck out a crying fit with me. after i got over my emo moment we headed outr to a meeting and along the way he stoped and got me a motherload of choclate. so i ate and ate and ate which really only made me pissed at myself for binging but at least it gave me enough of a seratonin boost to make it thorgh the evening. Went to the chagrin friiday meeting...the lead wasn't very good but it was alright. i saw some peopel from past meetings that i knew and that was nice...there are some good people in aa. i feel a little strange going to meetings with him b/c i do not have a problem with alcohol or any other addiction and i am not currently sober. (i don't drink regularily but wine with dinner etc...on occasion) but i like to try to support and understand that part of him. Plus, just as i lliked going to chapel while i was at stony brook, there is something nice about the meetings....its an hout just to think and reflect and usually i can find something to relate to in every one. after that we came to my abode, watched I Married a Strange Person (bill plimpton = so good) and went to bed.
saturday: woke up way to early and started the morning off with a bit of a tiff over a not i got from a someone in our past sort of creeping up again. some things just never seem to go away and just when i want to be happy i have to remind myself not to be too can only come with trust and trust has not been earned yet. Paubla Neruda said "loving is so short, forgetting is so long" - i couldn't aggree more. luckily, i went back to sleep after the early morning fight and woke up to some oh so fantatsic goodness.i didn't know that what he did was possible...then he did it again...and again....i got out of bed positivly exhausted. after that we went to his familys house and i hung out with his brother justin who i really enjoy while he did some work at his place. i made ubercookies (whitechoclate,darkchoclate, coconut, almond chunk) for the meeting he was chairing that night. after baking we went out to Chagrin for awhile. i love that town, it is so my destiny...i must need to live there. we even pretended to houseshop - it was a bit cute and a bit nervous-ing - you don't talk about "forever's all the time with someone you are not in lovewith right? - meh, i dunno all the silly relationship rules but i doo know that his word choice is somoetimes very confusing for inexperianced little moi. Also on saturday he wore the utilikilt for the first time. it gave me a massive hardon. its strange dating someone who is so attractive to me...its almost difficul / intimidatingt sometimes.... i wonder, "what the hell is someone like this doing with someone like me...." not that i am a yetti but excepting a bit of a weaker jawline then i usually go for, he is simply ideal. he isreally really pretty and i don't just mean that in an idiotic girlfreind way, his bone structure is phenominal...but its runs it the family, i would fuck him, his sister, and his brother....really good genes....even his parents are still really good looking family is so not goodlooking people. we are short mangled little jews....i want to pass his nose on to my offspring. anyway, walked around Chagrin and i bought a couch. its really nice. i didn't need to spend 1200 on a couch butit was on sale and so comfy....its a mitchell gold which is the same company that makes all of pottery barns stuff so i know its really good quality as well. now all i need is a desk and a dining room set and i am finished. things are really coming together. after the couch buying we went to the meeting which i tought was really good. the lead was fantatsic, brent got a lot out of it, and i found myself relating a lot as well. after the meeting we headed to his place and went to bed....i feel old just going home and going to bed everynight but....
Sunday: ....this morning we got up at 5 (actually, i woke up at 3 for some weird reason...) and we drove several hours to his mom's house. it was nice meeting his mother tho it was weird being there with meegan, justin, his mom, him and me....the outsider. he house was beautiful tho and she was a really sweet lady tho definatly a protecting mother hen. we left his mom's this afternoon, did some shopping for the house (mmm, new 300 thread count ralph lauren sheets and matching towles) and i got a few polo's for work...which starts tomarrow. starting tomarrow i am yet another among the consumer coffee slinging whores but all the same, i am really looking forward to it. its a really great location and fun people seem to work there tho i hear trhough the proverbial graoevine that the manager can be a bit of a *female flower.* i am looking forward to making some nonbrent-related friends. not that i don't enjoy him or the great peopel i have met through him but i want freinds of my own. Anyway, finally we came home, i made frozen hot choclate (*gasm*) and he swept and mopped my whole house while i did some laundry(*gold star boyfreind points for him*). we work well togteher he and i *le sigh* then i put him to bed b/c he needs his rest and here i am writing out the details of a somewhat uneventful (at least from a storytelling point of view) but very comfoting weekend.
this particluar holiday - mothers day - is always a weird one for me. i called my grandma but it didn't cross my mind for a second to call my mother. at the friday meeting the lead talked a lot about forgiveness and making amends and as much as i belive in the importance of such things, whats the point of trying to build a relationship with a person who is a clinical sociopath for whom you have no respect? - none is who you want it to be. however, when i saw brent with his brother and sister and mom it made me wish a bit that i had someone to love me other then my dog and my grandma who really only has a few years left at most and isn't really the same grandma anymore. but meh, family schmamily...i havn't had one before, i don't need one now....tho i REALLY miss my puppy and being cleo's mommy is just not the same as being maddie's momma.
ok, i am tired, i am gonna gone finish up the laundry and crawl into bed, i cannot keep my eyes open a minute longer.
And now its doubling as a tool of social expression that the politically correct masses just cant come to grips with.
So double cool.
And damn, I thought I wrote long updates. I think I made it to the second paragraph and then went to Google to try to find the Cliff Notes.