last few days = hell. flew to new york on a plane FULL of children....they were running up and down the isle , touching me, bunping me....after awhile i started just hitting them. they stopped. got in, missed the train (trains hate me) so we waited for an hour and while i was reading my father missed the next traind. so i said, "fuck this" and left my father at the train station and got a hotel. ahhhh, sweet rest. only to be awoken by construction going on outside my room at 6inthefuckingmorning. meh. finally gotto my grandma's this afternoon. have spent the say dealing with my innane father and senile grandmother. i love her tho and its nice that my visits make her happy but sweet mother family drives me insane. of course, the insanity could be attributed to my lack of effexor for 2 days! its made me fairly manic. thank god i finally refilled my perscription today. i go home on sunday tho so its not too bad, and then i become an ohio girl in less then a week. so so soon.....its nice to have something to look forward too. i need to take a few moments every time i get so stressy to remember all i have to be happy for....
More Blogs
Thursday May 15, 2003
i really don't have anything new / different / exciting to add to thi… -
Tuesday May 13, 2003
yesterday was my first day working for the evil coffee empire that is… -
Sunday May 11, 2003
the weekend in review: friday: started out promisingly enough. we… -
Friday May 09, 2003
my backstreet boys cd is scratched. fuck. that is all. -
Wednesday May 07, 2003
i'm happy. very happy. ....more later when i fix my blasted keyboa… -
Friday May 02, 2003
its time.... Feeling strong. Looking forward. The future awaits. -
Wednesday Apr 30, 2003
my ear fucking hurts. it hurts a lot. it is swollen and sore and puls… -
Tuesday Apr 29, 2003
i really don't have much to say thats interesting but in general i am… -
Monday Apr 28, 2003
a wee smattering of new photos from bob libby. i cannot wait to get t… -
Monday Apr 28, 2003
home. the flight wasn't bad...popped a tylenol pm and slept the entir…
my god. thats brilliant.