yesterday.....i was tired. my flats feel /felt pretty good tho. didn't do a whole lot really until afternoontime. went and sold some clothes at buffalo exchange, then shared a pot of tea at the panama with j. after that we went to allure. i had REALLY wanted to go to discohesive but going to allure wasn't bad. i didn't want to stay up to late anyway./ was nice...the poetry reading wasn't bad at all and i saw a few peopel who i enjoy. today consisted of running errands with j and walking around. i also had a much needed conversation with *someone* which put my mind at ease about a few things. went to slave, talked to david a wee bit, and he suggested i use tape to stratch my ears. so i am doing that now. also went by pretty parlour which has inspired me to do some minor shopping thrift store style. also, today i aquire a case of cadbury creme eggs. this is bad for my fatness. tonight is kims dinner party and then ?. tomarrow is the metalshow but it is no longer souldfly. i gues greg is taking me to see motorhead. i am looking forward to it a lot actually....for now, relax, enjoy my cremeeggygoodness, and hope for a bit of *someone* before i have to go out again....
More Blogs
Tuesday Jul 01, 2003
aaaaaaaaand its time for another update.....i have been really slacki… -
Wednesday Jun 25, 2003
hrmmm, i thought going off effexor was supposed to cure my insomnia b… -
Friday Jun 20, 2003
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Wednesday Jun 18, 2003
so how are things.....well.....things are alright. not horrible, not … -
Friday Jun 13, 2003
Pounding my fist against the night as it threatens to swallow me whol… -
Thursday Jun 12, 2003
still feeling really really off from the coming down from effexor. ye… -
Tuesday Jun 10, 2003
feel strange....very very strange. i stopped talking effexor. after … -
Monday Jun 09, 2003
so everything turned out a-ok....he tried to reach me...i tried to re… -
Sunday Jun 08, 2003
i guess i havn't updated in awhile but i suppose thats b/c things are… -
Saturday May 31, 2003
when i was in boarding school i took part in this senior leadership c…
The clubs in Cleveland have interesting names.
Why would you want to stretch your ears?
I'm a sucker for sweets. This is me, earlier this afternoon. "God, this shirt is a little tighter than it used to be ooh is that a cookie?" Heehee.