first entry: i could do some backround stuff etc but i will not, i think i will just jump right into if i don't have enough of these...lj, bme, and now this. oh well, it keeps me from working too hard. and right now i really need to work hard. i have an entire household to pack bnefore my movers come tomarrow. i have no idea how i am going to get this all done. oh well...the worst that could happen isthat i have to ship a few things long as teh heavy stuff like the records, book, bed, etc....go today i am alright...linins and such can always go later. (why does mr. sawyers "work expands to fill the time alotted," quote come to mind) i also made my reservations today to go see my grandma next week. upcoming jovanalife: i am moving my stuff to cleveland and finishing my right foot tomarrow, going to see discohesive on thursday, dinnerparty on friday, fetish party and / or metal show saturday, going to pdx on sunday, doing a photoshoot with bob and maybe others (note to self, do some photoshoot schedualing), coming home tuesday, leaving thursday for ny, getting home sunday, doing a few hours on / finishing my left foot on sunday, postal service on thursday, leaving for ohio on friday. busy schedual but it looks like i may just have a few hours here and there free to say goodbye to j and people / things i love. there won't be much i miss about seattle / the northwest....but the things i miss i will miss a lot. as for today, i really need to get off my ass and start working, but i am the procrastination queen so it probably won't happen....
I just moved to Ohio a little bit ago for school so I cant tell you much about it, Holden seem's to be the man with plan when it comes to this state. Everyone I have met from Cleveland though has been at least a little bit crazy and rather cool so it seems like a good spot to me at least. Plus everyone keep's telling me about these Flats place that is supposed to be good, or was good, or will be good. Somethingortheother.
The Swoo who says Ohio could always be worse. It could end in 'bama.