so everything turned out a-ok....he tried to reach me...i tried to reach him....and despite some paniky moments everything worked itself out and i finally have my babies! maddie was happy to see me but poor gwenny was really scared and covered in piddle. we had to bathe her....she was sooooo not liking that. so thank you j so much for all the effort you had to put into sendning them to me, i am so grateful! and thank you brent for a million and one things that i don't need to list here in detail. today was work in the morn tho i am off early! yay! i am gonna get comfy and then take the mad one on another walk. its a seminice day out and i want to enjoy it as much as possible. and work wasn't too bad today...i worked with rachael but we just really didn't speak much....also got to work with debbie who i enjoy. she is a sassmaster and anyone who actually traveled with carnies for 3 months is badass in my book. plus, we are both connected by tiny tasha the worlds smallest woman who i met in nyc and who was part of debbie's circus. its a small world....heh. aaaaaaaaand i'm spent.
More Blogs
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Sunday May 11, 2003
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Friday May 09, 2003
my backstreet boys cd is scratched. fuck. that is all. -
Wednesday May 07, 2003
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Friday May 02, 2003
its time.... Feeling strong. Looking forward. The future awaits. -
Wednesday Apr 30, 2003
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Tuesday Apr 29, 2003
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Monday Apr 28, 2003
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Monday Apr 28, 2003
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