yay! i finally got photos from boblibby...uploaded them...now if only i can get photoshop to top being gimp so i can resize and aquire a main pic.....i love getting pictures from photoshoots *le sigh*
More Blogs
Thursday May 15, 2003
i really don't have anything new / different / exciting to add to thi… -
Tuesday May 13, 2003
yesterday was my first day working for the evil coffee empire that is… -
Sunday May 11, 2003
the weekend in review: friday: started out promisingly enough. we… -
Friday May 09, 2003
my backstreet boys cd is scratched. fuck. that is all. -
Wednesday May 07, 2003
i'm happy. very happy. ....more later when i fix my blasted keyboa… -
Friday May 02, 2003
its time.... Feeling strong. Looking forward. The future awaits. -
Wednesday Apr 30, 2003
my ear fucking hurts. it hurts a lot. it is swollen and sore and puls… -
Tuesday Apr 29, 2003
i really don't have much to say thats interesting but in general i am… -
Monday Apr 28, 2003
a wee smattering of new photos from bob libby. i cannot wait to get t… -
Monday Apr 28, 2003
home. the flight wasn't bad...popped a tylenol pm and slept the entir…
It astounds me that people go in there and say
Either which way.