i really don't have anything new / different / exciting to add to this journal that would make me seem at all like an interesting person but in my insomnia inspired awakeness i am writing anyway.....yesterday it was BEAUTIFUL. sunshine makes me so goddamn peppy i almost scare myself. i think i am more then a little manic b/c no one in their right mind should be that chipper.
yesterday was work again. its a coffee job, its easy.....but still i had to sit around and get pumped up with starbucks jargon. not a problem, its not that bad and its a fun job overall. i like evryone at my training store except for the manager whom no one likes and i can see why...she's kind of dumb. i.e. she scolded me for starting early (i showed up to work an hour early for easy rride purposes and to review some training in the back for an hour...i wasn't expecting to get paid) however, within 15 minutes of being there she threw me an apron and asked me to come on....she also told me that my chuck taylors were not allowed b/c they were tennis shoes. (i ok'd them with my real manager) so i have to train in my prada shoes (i am not a fan of closed toed things and they are the only closed toe / no high heel that i have) which pisses me off b/c dumbasses (myself included) spill coffee all the time and i don't want to hurt my babies. also, the ear piercing thing. (i'm sorry, i know this is turning into a workbitch journal but give me a few entries like this to get them out of my system and i will go back to my regular nonsensical ramblings) my manager is ok with my ears. she saw them in the interview and i ok'd them with her. this training manager character told me i am only allowed two per ear. not a problem....i will leave in my 0 gauge flat and 4 guage conch and take out my lobes and leave 5/8 floppy open lobes all day long if thst what she really wants. (much more "ugly" and "distracting" then my clear glass plugs but if thats what she wants...) unfortunatly, i forgot about my tragis in my right ear.
i don't like my tragis piercing...its asymetrical and i cannot stand that. however, its my first one so i have kept it all these years for sentimental purposes. i cannot handle getting the other side done (those little chunks of cartilidge hurt like the devil) but b/c of what it means to me i havn't been able to take it out despite throwing off my balance. maybe its time? i know i have had it for long enough that i could take it out and put it back in...or even get a small retainer....but i think when i finally take this jewlery out (which has definatly stood up to the test of time....yay for sss) it will stay out for good. *le sigh*
but enough about work....how about more "tales of wondergirlfriend." last night i come home from work and make him / us dinner. last nights yummyness was probably the best lasagne i have ever had. sasuage, spinach, ubercheesygoodness, onion, sauteed mushrooms....the list goes on....i must say, bravo me. i also did several loads of laundry for him including his boxers which i made smell good and folded oh so nicely. girls just have this way with laundry...for some reason, despirte using the same products, the stuff just comes out smelling better. (you know she's really a good little woman when she's folding your drawers) and then i made him his favourite choclate crisp cookies. oh, and did i mention the 1/2 hour foot massage? *more gold stars for moi*
tonight we are going to a mariner's game. well, its actually a mariners vs. cleveland indians game but whatev.....anyway, he got us box seats. thank you baby! i love baseball.
also today my couch finally comes. no more sitting on the floor! - my little home is finally coming together. now i need a desk, a dining room set, a nightstand, coffee table, oriental rug, end tables, a lamp or two, an ottoman, drapes, and a big oversized chair and i am all set. my money is being spent like water but i will pick up the key pieces for $$$$$ and the items of lesser importance for $$....last night my assistant manager (at my home store) said i have champange tatse on a beer budget. i dunno if this is true...i just figure if i'm going to spend money i may as well spend it on something that has lasting value. plus, something like a couch is very important.....not that i'm lazy but i spend alot of time on the couch and a good comfy reading corner is absolutely necessary for my hhappiness. ok, this has been yet another of my too long journal entires....damn this insomina, i want to be curled up with *someone*
yesterday was work again. its a coffee job, its easy.....but still i had to sit around and get pumped up with starbucks jargon. not a problem, its not that bad and its a fun job overall. i like evryone at my training store except for the manager whom no one likes and i can see why...she's kind of dumb. i.e. she scolded me for starting early (i showed up to work an hour early for easy rride purposes and to review some training in the back for an hour...i wasn't expecting to get paid) however, within 15 minutes of being there she threw me an apron and asked me to come on....she also told me that my chuck taylors were not allowed b/c they were tennis shoes. (i ok'd them with my real manager) so i have to train in my prada shoes (i am not a fan of closed toed things and they are the only closed toe / no high heel that i have) which pisses me off b/c dumbasses (myself included) spill coffee all the time and i don't want to hurt my babies. also, the ear piercing thing. (i'm sorry, i know this is turning into a workbitch journal but give me a few entries like this to get them out of my system and i will go back to my regular nonsensical ramblings) my manager is ok with my ears. she saw them in the interview and i ok'd them with her. this training manager character told me i am only allowed two per ear. not a problem....i will leave in my 0 gauge flat and 4 guage conch and take out my lobes and leave 5/8 floppy open lobes all day long if thst what she really wants. (much more "ugly" and "distracting" then my clear glass plugs but if thats what she wants...) unfortunatly, i forgot about my tragis in my right ear.
i don't like my tragis piercing...its asymetrical and i cannot stand that. however, its my first one so i have kept it all these years for sentimental purposes. i cannot handle getting the other side done (those little chunks of cartilidge hurt like the devil) but b/c of what it means to me i havn't been able to take it out despite throwing off my balance. maybe its time? i know i have had it for long enough that i could take it out and put it back in...or even get a small retainer....but i think when i finally take this jewlery out (which has definatly stood up to the test of time....yay for sss) it will stay out for good. *le sigh*
but enough about work....how about more "tales of wondergirlfriend." last night i come home from work and make him / us dinner. last nights yummyness was probably the best lasagne i have ever had. sasuage, spinach, ubercheesygoodness, onion, sauteed mushrooms....the list goes on....i must say, bravo me. i also did several loads of laundry for him including his boxers which i made smell good and folded oh so nicely. girls just have this way with laundry...for some reason, despirte using the same products, the stuff just comes out smelling better. (you know she's really a good little woman when she's folding your drawers) and then i made him his favourite choclate crisp cookies. oh, and did i mention the 1/2 hour foot massage? *more gold stars for moi*
tonight we are going to a mariner's game. well, its actually a mariners vs. cleveland indians game but whatev.....anyway, he got us box seats. thank you baby! i love baseball.
also today my couch finally comes. no more sitting on the floor! - my little home is finally coming together. now i need a desk, a dining room set, a nightstand, coffee table, oriental rug, end tables, a lamp or two, an ottoman, drapes, and a big oversized chair and i am all set. my money is being spent like water but i will pick up the key pieces for $$$$$ and the items of lesser importance for $$....last night my assistant manager (at my home store) said i have champange tatse on a beer budget. i dunno if this is true...i just figure if i'm going to spend money i may as well spend it on something that has lasting value. plus, something like a couch is very important.....not that i'm lazy but i spend alot of time on the couch and a good comfy reading corner is absolutely necessary for my hhappiness. ok, this has been yet another of my too long journal entires....damn this insomina, i want to be curled up with *someone*
Ok, now I'm going to get attacked by all feminist in the world for saying this, but I will totally agree that girls do better job than guys when it comes to getting the clothes clean properly. As for me, I'm fucking lazy, just throw any and everything in the washer, no seperating no special treatment. Then permanent press them in the dryer,,then opps on the floor again
Sorry to hear about ur work situation, but I think you got an answer for those bad days...more baseballgames and sunshine!