I should have listened to myself. Sometimes things come down to just a day.
Early October....
"3. The person who I listed as my current crush I happen to now be coitusing...he is on tour now and we have spoken only twice but perhaps the people we fall inlove with always keep themselves just out of reach. Just like how I am to those boys who's hearts are broken. Looks like it's MY turn."
Early October....
"3. The person who I listed as my current crush I happen to now be coitusing...he is on tour now and we have spoken only twice but perhaps the people we fall inlove with always keep themselves just out of reach. Just like how I am to those boys who's hearts are broken. Looks like it's MY turn."
otherwise, what exactly am i looking for on portlandmercury.com? give me something good to read...and i'll share secrets of the trade with you. i just got tired of it. writing. criticism. playing the game. i had my fun with it and now...i've moved on.
i tried to email you through the site but it got bizzounced.
did you really use "coitusing" in a sentence?!?