Outside the wire:
The sun burns my goddamn skin every day.
I sit in shit and piss ridden cesspools for days doing recon in full body armour.
I can't shower for weeks on end.
I don't eat properly, I live off SPAM and tuna.
I can't sleep more than 2 hours a day, for days.
I know my teeth are rotting out of my head.
Sometimes I forget what it's like to use a bathroom.
While rain in the desert is considered a beautiful miracle, it's less awe-inspiring when it rains on my head and soaks me in the middle of the night.
My clothes are covered with body lice, sand fleas and other assorted hangers on.
Back on base:
My cot back at the tent is thus also covered with everyones favorite hemophages, leaving me unable to sleep at night.
I get back from 96 hours of recon duty, or more, and am immediately sent to do bitchwork in the kitchen or logistics.
Or guard duty. Lots of guard duty.
Then our Sgt. Major gets his kicks by drug testing us.

The sun burns my goddamn skin every day.
I sit in shit and piss ridden cesspools for days doing recon in full body armour.
I can't shower for weeks on end.
I don't eat properly, I live off SPAM and tuna.
I can't sleep more than 2 hours a day, for days.
I know my teeth are rotting out of my head.
Sometimes I forget what it's like to use a bathroom.
While rain in the desert is considered a beautiful miracle, it's less awe-inspiring when it rains on my head and soaks me in the middle of the night.
My clothes are covered with body lice, sand fleas and other assorted hangers on.
Back on base:
My cot back at the tent is thus also covered with everyones favorite hemophages, leaving me unable to sleep at night.
I get back from 96 hours of recon duty, or more, and am immediately sent to do bitchwork in the kitchen or logistics.
Or guard duty. Lots of guard duty.
Then our Sgt. Major gets his kicks by drug testing us.
