I'm back. It's warm outside. In January. Fuckin' A.
It's been a while. You can all thank (blame?) a certain newly-Israeli Suicide Girl that I'm back. She personally convinced me, what with being a crazy kid and all.
So yeah, I moved to Israel. I got here in July of last year, just in time for Lebanon War 2: Even Harder. I was at my brother's place in Haifa during a good part of it, saw missiles (tilim in hebrew) crash down over and around the city. People thought I was crazy when I stood on a ledge watching when the sirens went off.
I said, fuck Hezbollah. I won't cower as they bomb my innocent brothers and sisters. I won't look away. Never look away.
So now, after a brief stint in a language ulpan and a massive, massive balagan involving the Jerusalem Lishkat Giyus (induction center), I'm chilling in Tel Aviv waiting for my service to start (in May!). I got 2 years in combat service, though I don't know where I'm going to go.
I'm going to push for Golani or Nahal, but you never know with these people. Buncha crazy kids.
Anyways, that's enough of that. I'll leave you for now as I go try and find people I recognize on this newly revamped, fershlugginer site.
It's been a while. You can all thank (blame?) a certain newly-Israeli Suicide Girl that I'm back. She personally convinced me, what with being a crazy kid and all.
So yeah, I moved to Israel. I got here in July of last year, just in time for Lebanon War 2: Even Harder. I was at my brother's place in Haifa during a good part of it, saw missiles (tilim in hebrew) crash down over and around the city. People thought I was crazy when I stood on a ledge watching when the sirens went off.
I said, fuck Hezbollah. I won't cower as they bomb my innocent brothers and sisters. I won't look away. Never look away.
So now, after a brief stint in a language ulpan and a massive, massive balagan involving the Jerusalem Lishkat Giyus (induction center), I'm chilling in Tel Aviv waiting for my service to start (in May!). I got 2 years in combat service, though I don't know where I'm going to go.
I'm going to push for Golani or Nahal, but you never know with these people. Buncha crazy kids.
Anyways, that's enough of that. I'll leave you for now as I go try and find people I recognize on this newly revamped, fershlugginer site.

I am really dreading learning Hebrew though because I am terrible with languages.
read my blog, it's all about you creamy