Hi Beautiful people, <3
I don't know if this will interest many people, but I would like to tell you a little bit about my vision of love...
Love, to me, is the appreciation of someone's existence.
An unconditional feeling, it's a gift that I give and for which one I don't demand anything. Oh sure, I appreciate it when it's reciprocal and I get something in return... But when I love, I love the person, no matter what they can, or can't, give me.
Love is, for me, when just hearing someone's laughing makes you happy, just seeing that face makes you smile, and knowing that soul happy warms your heart.
In short, yes, it's a gift that nothing can alter. I believe that everyone is free... so if I love, I love the person as he or she is and for what he/she is.
And I meet many people to love. A lot of beautiful people for who I started to feel kindness, because in front of their humanity I was amazed. For as long as I have been falling in love, my feelings have never been able to choose a single one, and if I have suffered a lot from having, so often, offered my heart, is part of life. As said a Colombian singer, Maluma, in a song "You broke my heart, but my love, there is no problem... Now I can offer a little piece to each person".
This is how I am. I'm passionate, polylover and courageous. Despite the sadness, the scams, the abuses, the mistakes and failures my heart is bigger and bigger... and I want it to grow, to grow even more until it sees only the beautiful, until it takes only joy, sharing and tolerance, and gives only love and acceptance. Leaving all the negativity, rage, jealousy, demands, disappointment...etc. flow over it like water on a stone.
Impervious to human bullshit but permeable to humanity, this is the philosophical path I am on.
Unfortunately so many people don't understand...
Unable to conceptualize anything different from what's socially accepted or instinctual. Obviously, I don't deny human instinct and its primary reactions, but I'm convinced that it's entirely within our power to tame our brain and our reactions to a larger, freer and more peaceful viewpoint. I'm not sure this will prevent us from suffering but I think it make our suffering less important and our happiness would be multiplied tenfold.
Important point, you will notice that I did not specify a particular love, in my reasoning whether if it's called friendship, love, or whatever it still love, the difference is about degrees, and sexual attraction so depending the nature of relation, and depending on the situation, it can vary or not with time.
About the modern "Love concept", I think we've been sold too many perfidious fairy tales that have deluded us about human relationships and distanced us from real sharing.
For me, the current concept of family leads much more often to disappointment and self-deconstruction than to romance. And I believe that by focusing so much on such a small family nucleus, we forget the strength and creative capacity that we all have together, as a group, and that we have as independent individuals.
I believe that love is a gift and family is a tribe.
And you ? What do you think ?
You seem to be a very beautiful person. This text is so rich and so pure, I don't even know how to express that. Anyway, I really admire this vision of love that you share, and I feel like if more people would think like you, it would do a lot of good. Unfortunatly, love is really complicated, and I don't even manage myself to live it the beautiful way you do.