Hey hey hey!!! home and xmas was shite but we don't wanna chat about that its new years eve and tomorrows a new start. Saw kit whilst i was at home was nice to see her again some things never change she is still far cooler than i will ever be. My hair seems to be having some being dyed black issues, it keeps going patchy....... i blame the stupid hairdresser in the summer who butchered my hair. A guy declared his love for me and it wasn't jarrod....... i think jarrod just wants to have sex with me but give me time give me time.... the guy who said he loved me is called mike and hes a really lovely guy and a great friend but i just don't want him as a boyfriend plus he doesn't live in Bangor and i couldn't be arsed driving to see him all the time... would also cost lots in petrol. Anyway have a good new year people try and not get too drunk and i shall update again soon
take care
take care