So as I have stated in the past I recently got out of the United States Navy and the couple months since have been a hard adjustment. I must say I have never felt more alone. Although I so much good came from it. the change couldn't have been less stable. It seems to me that people in this country love Serviemembers or Vets, until we apply for jobs. They look at us with distrust due to what they think ((and in my case it is true)) we have seen and done. It is becoming more and more obvious to me that the public thinks that our actions overseas come home with us and we cant control ourselves. Which is wildly untrue for the most part. Being in was rigid and disciplined, but people out here only take care of themselves, not protecting one another and they have no loyalty. its been tough on me due to this fact. Luckily though my supervisor at work is a former Marine so we have banded together and he is helping me adjust and act like a "civilian". I start college in Jan, I am hoping this will make me feel more like a normal human due to the fact that no one has to know, judging eyes everywhere.
I was dating this girl, no big deal or anything. Things were going decent until I told her I was a vet and spent time overseas, she ended it right there on the spot citing moral objections to the war and everyone who stands for it. what she and some others don't realize most vets and active duty, we don't support the war, we support our brothers, sisters, our blood overseas holding the watch for us. I am truly proud of what I did in my time, I would not change or give it up for the world, but there are two countries within one. On one hand people buy me drinks when they see my disabled vet bumper sticker, the other call me a monster and killer.
Separating was what I needed to do to keep me health and body in tact but the coldness of civilian life is getting to me quickly, now i'm not suicidal or anything, I just need a long holiday, some understanding people in my life and a good relationship to build me back up to where I was when I was in. Confident, Strong, Determined and resilient.
As always thanks for listened SG World, and remember its not goodbye, its only until next time.