More later, including the story behind the 2 and a half foot tall Superman action figure that I got for X-Mas and how I'll be using it to torture Janet. Nothing says hilarious like a giant action figure holding a knife behind the shower curtain at 6 in the morning.
Other quick speaking points:
- I got a new phone. Same number, but e-mails now have to go to jshsidekick@gmail.com for now.
- I also bought a ukulele... I will soon dominate the Top 10 charts with my awesome music skillz... I mean, shit, if K-fed can put out an album, so can I.
- No work for another 6 days. Woot.
- City of Villains / Heroes is like crack for nerds who hate that elf shit like in World of Warcraft.
Don't let me be bored as I really have zero planned for the next few days. Shit, even my New Years is open, though, I'm pretty sure I'll bail on most plans for that night so I can eat a pizza and watch the Three Stooges marathon by myself.
Ok, that's really it.
happy new year. OXOX