If you're looking for trouble, I'm the East Coast Distributor...
In other news, I was privy to the list of reasons that a girl would not be dating anyone any time soon. Luckily, I only baked her cookies and a cheesecake before realizing that I have no shot. Usually, I get to pay a car payment or two before I actually get the hint. Luckily, I never made any mention of any intentions I may have had, so now everyone just thinks I like to bake in my spare time.
Janet offered to take me and my brother and his girlfriend out to Dino's (a fantastic little Italian place that I would recommend to anyone going on a date, for reals) for my birthday. I then suggested that maybe after dinner we could all go to Inspiration Point so I can watch my brother get to third base in the back seat. Cause, you know, watching my brother on a date sounds like the perfect birthday present to me.
That's it. I have to go to school in 5 hours...
In other news, I was privy to the list of reasons that a girl would not be dating anyone any time soon. Luckily, I only baked her cookies and a cheesecake before realizing that I have no shot. Usually, I get to pay a car payment or two before I actually get the hint. Luckily, I never made any mention of any intentions I may have had, so now everyone just thinks I like to bake in my spare time.
Janet offered to take me and my brother and his girlfriend out to Dino's (a fantastic little Italian place that I would recommend to anyone going on a date, for reals) for my birthday. I then suggested that maybe after dinner we could all go to Inspiration Point so I can watch my brother get to third base in the back seat. Cause, you know, watching my brother on a date sounds like the perfect birthday present to me.
That's it. I have to go to school in 5 hours...
confidence, man, confidence!