Holy shit, this movie is really really fucking awesome.
But seriously.
Now, for 20 things about me as I was tagged by ShellyMC
1- I know how to juggle.
2- Someone wrote a one act play about me. It was performed at BU or BC (I get them confused). It was actually rather depressing.
3- I can beat Mike Tyson's Punch out for the NES. I can also beat Super Mario Bros. in under 5 minutes.
4- Despite that last one, I'm really not spectacular at most video games.
5- I haven't slept in a bed in over a year.
6- I'm afraid of many things. Bugs with wings, growing up, water (I shower and drink it in a bottle, that's about it), sleeping in my own bed, and people I don't know... just to name a few.
7- I once watched Eric Estrada punch out Bill Maher during a taping of Pictionary
8- I've never been to New York City.
9- I never had a detention in High School.
10- I was technically engaged at one point in my life.
11- I'm in Mensa.
12- I once slept with someone because I hate Nazis.
13- Some of the many jobs I've had include: Door to door salesman, bartender, receptionist at a tattoo parlor, pornography store manager (no booths) and gas station attendant.
14- My first car was the Ghostbuster car.
15- I lived in Florida for 2 years. I'll never go back.
16- I have a tendency to be horrible with money. I get it from my mother. Though, she spends it on stupid things like wine and trips to florida while I spend it on refined things like strippers and gameboy games.
17- While I don't regret anything I've done, if I could do some things over, you bet your sweet ass I would
18- I am very strong. I can bench press almost 400 pounds (maybe less since I haven't been to the gym in a while due to work).
19- I feel that, despite 11 and 18, because I don't look like Brad Pitt I don't really have much to offer. I blame the fact that I watch way too much E!.
20- I can do cartwheels.
That's about it. I just finished up a 60 hour work week, which woudn't have been so bad except the fact that I haven't worked that much since before I left Florida. It was brutal, but we'll just see how brutal come paycheck day. I may or may not have to go in to work in 10 hours, I hope I don't. Next weekend is the Brockton fair. I don't know what day yet, but either way I'm totally excited. Time for a second viewing of the venture Brothers (which may be the funniest show on tv these days) then off to bed as I may have to get up and go to work tomorrow at noon. At least I know that tomorrow I won't be running a belt during the day.
so you're saying it was dragging in the first part of the movie? hmm.
We have got to get you a proper bed!