In case anyone is wondering about all of the testing, though I don't see why you would be, I'm trying out my new phone and various kinds of blogging software. Once my webserver is up, I hope to run my main homepage on there and crosspost on the various social networking pages I have about the net, so I don't need to try and keep...
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You didn't lose your virginity on the roof of a theatre and we both know it. But you're great and I love you, so I can forgive the fib.
Testing once again
<p>Testing Again...</p>
Happy Birthday!
Could someone illuminate me as to what the FUCK is going on with SG?! I love this site, stop hurting it...
Hi. I'm kinda new on this site, what happened in the middle of september that made so many people mad? I really would like to know, as SG is quickly becoming my favourite site.
Why must summer classes be so exquisitely painful? I mean, they charge you just as much as normal for half as many hours, and then you go to class for twice as many hours a week as you would during a normal semester. So between work and school, I'm pulling 10 and 11 hour days most days of the week, which I don't need to...
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My hot girlfriend took these pictures of me.
Well, here I am. I wish my head wasn't squished.
**EDIT** Nevermind.
**EDIT** Nevermind.
i recomend squishing everything, that way its propotional
ummm welcome?

ummm welcome?