i gotta get better at doing this more often!! things have been really good lately its the day before my birthday and i had dinner with some of the best people in my life. we went to this really cool belgian beer house in the hip part of town and it was epic. it sounds girly but i had an awesome raspberry beer last night loved it. work has been pretty fast paced for the last month or so ive been doing multi training and moving up in the work place world which is great
. i have also been in super gaming mode for the last little bit too since christmas i have beaten all of the uncharted games on ps3 and got hooked on mass effect 2 and 3. i spent so much time play ME2 that i even missed canucks games just to play and i also spent 15 hours in one day play GEEK LEVEL DANGEROUSLY HIGH!!!!!!!! holy fuck did you see the walking dead finale i can wait for next season also mad men is coming back tomorrow, my birthday don draper is bad ass hes a fucking king. as easter approaches my annual addiction to mini eggs has arrived you know you all love them too. back to mass effect so when i stated 3 and the first level is vancouver i was thrilled because thats where i live this is my city in a video game!! loved that and so far this game has also been epic im right close to the end and should be able to beat it today. i also have started putting together plans for a mini sort of get away with the guys in the summer we are heading down to seattle to see my fucking yankees play the mariners and i could not be more thrilled its gonna be a blast. i was just being myself this week and i made friends with my absolute no doubt about it Suicide Girl Damsel <3 i can not describe how happy i was when she replied to my tweet and decided to follow me back Ceres made fun of me!!!! i cant forget to mention another new addiction of mine instagram and snap seed i am always taking pictures now!!!!! im looking forward to going out tonight with another group of friends and watch the canucks game for my birthday!!! today is a beautiful day in vancouver!!! my inside joke for today is sksk ga
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