Okay, so getting the internet back may not be such a good thing after all.
I had already stopped exercising and eating right before now but now that i've got my connection back i've spent the last two days straight doing little more than surfing the web.
Maybe it's just something i've got to get out of my system. Yeah, right.
I have seen three new movies recently and I thought I might give my opinion on them
First, Robots. It was okay for what it was I suppose, and that is regurgitated kiddie crap. Tired jokes, typical characters, and a "plot" about as hard to follow as a slow moving train.
Second, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. I'm a pretty big fan of the books so I must admit to being somewhat dissapointed by it. Then again, that being said, it was probably the best adaptation that one could possibly hope for so, eh? It was enjoyable overall though. Good movie.
And third, Constantine. I'm a huge Hellblazer (the comic the movie was based very, very loosely on) fan so I pretty much just hated this peice of fucking drivel. I suppose if it hadn't been in any way associated with John then I might have enjoyed it on its own merits but I just couldn't get past it. However, all that being said, I did enjoy the characters of Gabriel and Lucifer, they were cool. "I'm John Constantine, asshole!" No, no your not, you're Ted, you robotic acting fuck tool.
I'm thinking pretty seriously about having some of my hair cut off, not a lot really, maybe two or three inches.
It's all dead and has split ends and shit because I don't take good care of it anymore like I should.
And then i'm out of shit to write again.
God, my life is so fucking interesting I can barely stand it myself sometimes.
I had already stopped exercising and eating right before now but now that i've got my connection back i've spent the last two days straight doing little more than surfing the web.
Maybe it's just something i've got to get out of my system. Yeah, right.
I have seen three new movies recently and I thought I might give my opinion on them
First, Robots. It was okay for what it was I suppose, and that is regurgitated kiddie crap. Tired jokes, typical characters, and a "plot" about as hard to follow as a slow moving train.
Second, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. I'm a pretty big fan of the books so I must admit to being somewhat dissapointed by it. Then again, that being said, it was probably the best adaptation that one could possibly hope for so, eh? It was enjoyable overall though. Good movie.
And third, Constantine. I'm a huge Hellblazer (the comic the movie was based very, very loosely on) fan so I pretty much just hated this peice of fucking drivel. I suppose if it hadn't been in any way associated with John then I might have enjoyed it on its own merits but I just couldn't get past it. However, all that being said, I did enjoy the characters of Gabriel and Lucifer, they were cool. "I'm John Constantine, asshole!" No, no your not, you're Ted, you robotic acting fuck tool.
I'm thinking pretty seriously about having some of my hair cut off, not a lot really, maybe two or three inches.
It's all dead and has split ends and shit because I don't take good care of it anymore like I should.
And then i'm out of shit to write again.
God, my life is so fucking interesting I can barely stand it myself sometimes.
Hmm, that's another recommendation for the Hitchhiker's movie from a fan. Maybe I'll have to see it. I'm very skeptical.
I once discussed this same question with SarcasticMenace. We both agreed that the original Cape Fear is really good. Even though she hasn't even read the book it's based on, so maybe she should be disqualified.