Holy shit.
I feel bad.
I mean really, really bad.
Like, scary, hospital bad.
My heart's been hurting and I haven't been breathing well.
It's so bad I actually told Angie and normally i'd have to have something physically hanging out of my body to scare me enough to admit it to her.
I guess most of you are thinking, well, Josh, why not take your stupid ass to an emergency room? Why not? Well, because i'm stubborn, of course.
Fuck me, this sucks though.
Well, I do have some good news for those who enjoy my company.
I have my very own interwebby device again. Right now I just have dial up but by the eleventh or so of October I will have me some of teh DSL. YAY!
Can you say super fast porn? I thought you could.
Listening to Anthrax and all is good on that front.
I don't have a lot to say this time I guess, kind of hard to think actually.
I think I might go lie down.
I feel bad.
I mean really, really bad.
Like, scary, hospital bad.
My heart's been hurting and I haven't been breathing well.
It's so bad I actually told Angie and normally i'd have to have something physically hanging out of my body to scare me enough to admit it to her.
I guess most of you are thinking, well, Josh, why not take your stupid ass to an emergency room? Why not? Well, because i'm stubborn, of course.
Fuck me, this sucks though.
Well, I do have some good news for those who enjoy my company.
I have my very own interwebby device again. Right now I just have dial up but by the eleventh or so of October I will have me some of teh DSL. YAY!
Can you say super fast porn? I thought you could.
Listening to Anthrax and all is good on that front.
I don't have a lot to say this time I guess, kind of hard to think actually.
I think I might go lie down.

and woo! superfast porn!
based on head hurt, and chest hurting, it sounds like bronchitis, or pneumonia, or plueresy etc. I know this because well you know how it is with me and how i get all those stupid bronchial viruses every SINGLE year. well, hell it could be a range of things... allergies make me feel like that, but so does strep throat... soooooooooo
that being said, josh get to the dr. now. dont make me call angie and tell her to take you. and you know i will... and i will call asap.
well.. i plan on calling monday, so feel better so i dont have to be an idiot when i call.
love you very much.