Please, sweet Jeebus, let me decide what to do where my wrestling career is concerned.
I'm confused. Yes, it's nothing new. I mean to say that i'm really, very confused.
Should I stay? Go? Retire? I don't know. No answers coming soon.
Our outside cat had a new batch of kittens yesterday.
She had five little drowned rat looking creatures, three black and two gray.
I'll try to get pics sometime soon if I can.
If Hell is even remotely as hot as it has been here recently then i've got a whole lot of repenting to do, post haste!
Seriously, the heat is getting ridiculous. I'm not built for this shit, I should be somewhere on the side of a mountain in Scotland wearing a kilt and carrying a length of sharpened steel. Damn it, born in the wrong century.
The weight loss/working out thing is starting to pay off in major ways.
Not only have I lost all the weight but my arms are getting so big that I can barely get my hands, forefinger and thumb, to touch the top of my bicep and my tricep at the same time.
That rocks.
The first half of the Thundercats first season is out on DVD.
I want it.
It will be mine, oh yes, it will indeed!
My days, while peaceful and productive, are starting to bore the shit out of me.
I have to admit to not really knowing what to do with myself at the moment, working out and housework are filling a lot of time but whenever I run out of stuff to do and things slow down I find myself missing the kids.
Why can't I ever be on the right page?
My sleeping habits have not much improved, my paranoia has been really bad lately, I can't seem to sleep well for thinking that someone is going to break in and hurt my kids.
The worst part about this sort of thought process is knowing that it is probably not going to happen but that it is completely and totally probable that it could at anytime happen.
Hey, it could be worse, at least I don't have to stop the car anymore before I back out of the driveway to make sure that one of my kids isn't behind the car.
Fuck, my brain, what a peice of shit.
Hehehe, all this writing and still I haven't really said anything.
What a perfect analogy of my whole life.
Peace, everybody.
I'm confused. Yes, it's nothing new. I mean to say that i'm really, very confused.
Should I stay? Go? Retire? I don't know. No answers coming soon.
Our outside cat had a new batch of kittens yesterday.
She had five little drowned rat looking creatures, three black and two gray.
I'll try to get pics sometime soon if I can.
If Hell is even remotely as hot as it has been here recently then i've got a whole lot of repenting to do, post haste!
Seriously, the heat is getting ridiculous. I'm not built for this shit, I should be somewhere on the side of a mountain in Scotland wearing a kilt and carrying a length of sharpened steel. Damn it, born in the wrong century.
The weight loss/working out thing is starting to pay off in major ways.
Not only have I lost all the weight but my arms are getting so big that I can barely get my hands, forefinger and thumb, to touch the top of my bicep and my tricep at the same time.
That rocks.
The first half of the Thundercats first season is out on DVD.
I want it.
It will be mine, oh yes, it will indeed!
My days, while peaceful and productive, are starting to bore the shit out of me.
I have to admit to not really knowing what to do with myself at the moment, working out and housework are filling a lot of time but whenever I run out of stuff to do and things slow down I find myself missing the kids.
Why can't I ever be on the right page?
My sleeping habits have not much improved, my paranoia has been really bad lately, I can't seem to sleep well for thinking that someone is going to break in and hurt my kids.
The worst part about this sort of thought process is knowing that it is probably not going to happen but that it is completely and totally probable that it could at anytime happen.
Hey, it could be worse, at least I don't have to stop the car anymore before I back out of the driveway to make sure that one of my kids isn't behind the car.
Fuck, my brain, what a peice of shit.
Hehehe, all this writing and still I haven't really said anything.
What a perfect analogy of my whole life.
Peace, everybody.

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I'm dead excited to watch it, and have had to put my hands over my ears and sing loudly to stop hearing the result of Rey and Eddie's match.