I was waiting outside the front door of my house earlier this morning for my kids schoolbus to get there because it was to cold for them to wait outside, when in the relative silence of the morning I heard one of the most beautiful sounds that I can ever recall having heard.
It was the sounds of the leaves faling slowly and gently from the surrounding trees.
I was instantly struck with a profound and deep sense of inner peace and an immense sense of appreciation for the simplistic.
It was incredible.
Some of you may recall me writing about my younger brother here before.
More specifically how much of a jackass he is, how much I can't stand him, and how I was recently involved in a physical confrontation with him wherein I choked him into near unconciousness.
Well, I have news on that front. He's gone. He left yesterday for Minneapolis, MN where he is going to live and work (this is the part I most strongly doubt) until he can raise the money to get to Canada and thus to his "girlfriend/fiance/whatever".
My mother brought him by my house yeterday before he left so he and I could say goodbye, despite the fact that she knew very well that I didn't want to see him anymore.
We apologized to each other for the fight, hugged, and told each other that we loved the other.
He's my brother and I do love him, and I am glad that I got to say goodbye to him, but that doesn't change the fact that I can't stand the person he is.
I hope he goes there, is met with great success, and most importantly, never darkens our doorsteps again.
I think I may have strep throat.
Whatever it is it hurts like Hell and sucks a whole lot.
The pain in my throat kept me up most of last night. Any problem breathing is always made worse by my Sleep Apnea and my inability to keep my mouth shut while I sleep.
It was the sounds of the leaves faling slowly and gently from the surrounding trees.
I was instantly struck with a profound and deep sense of inner peace and an immense sense of appreciation for the simplistic.
It was incredible.
Some of you may recall me writing about my younger brother here before.
More specifically how much of a jackass he is, how much I can't stand him, and how I was recently involved in a physical confrontation with him wherein I choked him into near unconciousness.
Well, I have news on that front. He's gone. He left yesterday for Minneapolis, MN where he is going to live and work (this is the part I most strongly doubt) until he can raise the money to get to Canada and thus to his "girlfriend/fiance/whatever".
My mother brought him by my house yeterday before he left so he and I could say goodbye, despite the fact that she knew very well that I didn't want to see him anymore.
We apologized to each other for the fight, hugged, and told each other that we loved the other.
He's my brother and I do love him, and I am glad that I got to say goodbye to him, but that doesn't change the fact that I can't stand the person he is.
I hope he goes there, is met with great success, and most importantly, never darkens our doorsteps again.
I think I may have strep throat.
Whatever it is it hurts like Hell and sucks a whole lot.
The pain in my throat kept me up most of last night. Any problem breathing is always made worse by my Sleep Apnea and my inability to keep my mouth shut while I sleep.

and yes, wear your mask, i want to know when i call you you will be there to answer...got it, if you dont ill kick your ass with my fat foot.
nah, just kidding down another 10 pounds!
i will put new pics up before i leave maybe, or i will just email them to you.
love ya sweetie