Lame for you, I know.
I'm really not sure how much I've been blogging the past year or what I've been saying.
-I'm in architecture school. I decided to go on a whim and I really enjoy it.
-This decision was made on a whim soon after, and most likely because of my father dieing.
-I was just in court. Without the details of why or which side, I won.
-I've fallen in love with rock climbing, I hate when people are one-dimensional, but something about climbing consumes you. You should come with me sometime.
-I know I've posted about writing, so I wont this time.
I've been listening to lots of:
Been reading lots of:
Been eating lots of food, drinking lots of drinks (Dogfish and UFO) and building lots of models. I built a 3 foot tall chair that can be used out of just 2 4'x8' pieces of cardboard. I've done some other cool models recently.
Things are good.
Also do we follow each other on twitter?
i tried rockclimbing back in like 06 and i was soo scared and left with a million cuts+bruises and was sore for daaaays