So I was at this thing at school. A Women in Architecture panel put on by the National Orginization of Minority Architect Students group because I'm a member because I'm a minority. After it was over I found out a band called the New York FUNK Exchange was playing at the Middle East UP even though it's Good Friday and the stock market is closed. Naturally upon hearing this I went. Duh. So it was great. But before going we went to Copley then Kings and had some drinks. So NYFE playerd. AMAZING band. Look them up. I would, but my alarm for class goes off in an hour. So I'll look them up tomorrow. So them we went and go more drinks. I texted my waitress all night. I think I blew it when I texted her to bring some girl at some table a drink. She didn't and then didn't text me all night after. Then we got fallafel (aboutm 2:30am if you're wondering) and there was almost a fight in the place. we egged people on and tried to get it going. Then is was latge and we hopped fences and climbed under walls. Then we broke into a Harvard building that had security locks on every door. Slick like. m There was a party there but it was only about 4 girls and the rest guyys. We left and then my car was over a mile away so we found some bikes and stole them and biked to my car. We think they were nobodies bikes though,. Victimless crime. Then it's now now and I'm sooooooooooooooooo tired. Hey guys. Remind me to check that band out tomorrow for being so amaing.
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