hey fuckers! guess who's coming to see Reggie and the Full Effect with me? Yeah, that's right Zui!!! haha...i'm so fucking happy that I could just throw up.
hey...wynne...when are we hanging?

hey...wynne...when are we hanging?
Let's see...fun stuff. I love shows, bars, watching movies (especially horror...but by the way, I've never seen Taxi Driver!!! I want to!), drinking, driving around and poking fun at things, acting silly...y'know. Midwest-girly-type stuff.
What part of KCMO are you in? I live in Parkville right now, but I know my way pretty well around KC, so I shouldn't have too much of a problem finding you.
If you want, you can email your cross-streets to me at XOpiateSlaveX@aol.com.