I FUCKING LOVE ZUI!!!! I got to talk to her last week...God, I've been on cloud 9 since then...Zui: I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU!!
hehe...god, i'm not really obsessed or anything...right.
I hope we get to talk again soon...that was SO way awesome.
in other news...i interviewed for a kickass job friday as an assistant property manager for a hospital here in town...hey Zui, if I get the job, wanna move here and live with me? i'll pay rent...

in other news...i interviewed for a kickass job friday as an assistant property manager for a hospital here in town...hey Zui, if I get the job, wanna move here and live with me? i'll pay rent...

you cutie pie you
So do you think you'll get that job I hope so. Good luck sweetie.