okay, i am the happiest guy ever...zui sent me a message...oh yeah, what's up?! i'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooo fucking happy.
work sucks...i need a new job...i work at a photo lab in a really really uppity part of the city, and yeah, everyone that comes in is pretty much evil, and not in the good way, but like in the "i want to ruin your day" way. so yeah, find me a new job, so i don't have to deal with these assholes anymore, k?
okay, that's it...i've gotta get back to work...ZUI I LOVE YOU AND I'LL TOTALLY BE YOUR BOYFRIEND!!!!

work sucks...i need a new job...i work at a photo lab in a really really uppity part of the city, and yeah, everyone that comes in is pretty much evil, and not in the good way, but like in the "i want to ruin your day" way. so yeah, find me a new job, so i don't have to deal with these assholes anymore, k?
okay, that's it...i've gotta get back to work...ZUI I LOVE YOU AND I'LL TOTALLY BE YOUR BOYFRIEND!!!!
