My name is JoshBoB and im in the
biggest emotinoal rut of my life
(I cant spell today at all)
My girlfriend broke up with me and every thing SUCKs i stoped drinking who would have thought I guess I'm tired of getten drunk and falling down. Life is better without drugs. I got more time to be me and get my shit done. I haven't gotten drunk in 61 days the boys say its starting to show what ever that means.
So now I'm back to the start like after every good break up i go back to myself and try to picture what i want in the next girl. hear is a list
1. Punk girl
Ok let me explane, I,m a punk so i want a punk girl right. No not this simple i have never been with a punk girl, i always end back up with "a normal girl" what ever that means. But i think I'm going to hold out this time till "she" comes along and not just jump on the fuck wagon cuz thats not what i want.
2. Smart.
I would hope to hold some meaningful canferstions this time about any thing.
3. drug free.
I'm not saying i hate drugs and drunks but apon my new soberity it would help for her to not be an addict like me or in recorvy. Most of my relationships have ad a lot to do with drugs.
4. Pritty, Sexy, and hot.
Of corse i want her to look good.
5. I want that Feeling
carma magic chee shit
So this is what i want. Is that too much to ask. I think not. Me and my friend Tony decided we were looking for our selfs. Thats so true for everyone. If only you could fuck your self.
so if you meet this or just want to say whats up drop me a line cuz no body ever talkes to me on this site grrrrr but maybe thats on me.
some men are in prison even though they walk the streets at night
other men who got the lockdown are free as a bird in flight
Josh bob love to all
My name is JoshBoB and im in the
biggest emotinoal rut of my life
(I cant spell today at all)
My girlfriend broke up with me and every thing SUCKs i stoped drinking who would have thought I guess I'm tired of getten drunk and falling down. Life is better without drugs. I got more time to be me and get my shit done. I haven't gotten drunk in 61 days the boys say its starting to show what ever that means.
So now I'm back to the start like after every good break up i go back to myself and try to picture what i want in the next girl. hear is a list
1. Punk girl
Ok let me explane, I,m a punk so i want a punk girl right. No not this simple i have never been with a punk girl, i always end back up with "a normal girl" what ever that means. But i think I'm going to hold out this time till "she" comes along and not just jump on the fuck wagon cuz thats not what i want.
2. Smart.
I would hope to hold some meaningful canferstions this time about any thing.
3. drug free.
I'm not saying i hate drugs and drunks but apon my new soberity it would help for her to not be an addict like me or in recorvy. Most of my relationships have ad a lot to do with drugs.
4. Pritty, Sexy, and hot.
Of corse i want her to look good.
5. I want that Feeling
carma magic chee shit
So this is what i want. Is that too much to ask. I think not. Me and my friend Tony decided we were looking for our selfs. Thats so true for everyone. If only you could fuck your self.
so if you meet this or just want to say whats up drop me a line cuz no body ever talkes to me on this site grrrrr but maybe thats on me.
some men are in prison even though they walk the streets at night
other men who got the lockdown are free as a bird in flight
Josh bob love to all
i dont have a mohawk anymore, it was like a year or two ago
yeah whens he's laying on his back he looks like a bear cub, theres a pic of him like that posted in my folder