Heres a sum up of Dawn of the Dead 78(well what I can remember); People are organised and fighting against zombies but 2 male cops and a reporter woman get fed up of fighting and take a helicopter to find a place to live out their lives in peace. They discover a large mall with zombies staggering around in it. They deceide that this would make a great place to live and do a lot of fighting and barricading to make the mall safe and zombie free. During the struggle one of the cops(the annoying one) is bitten by a zombie but doesnt turn right away. Eventually they succeed and begin to live a comfortable life surrounded by everything they could ever need. There peace is shattered when a bunch of US townie fuckwits deceide that they want to steal some stuff from the mall(even though its all free). They then proceed to open all the entrances and get in and do what townies do(hang around in big groups, drinking, fighting etc.). During this time the cop(the annoying one) that was bitten before is beginning to turn into a zombie and eventually gets in a lift with a lot of zombies and thats the end of him. The remaining two main characters from the beginning proceed to do what any self respecting person would do(if law wasnt around) and start to fight the townies by injuring/killing them and letting the zombies have a free snack. The zombies however are pissed off by the lack of brains avaliable on the townies so deceide to rip them apart instead. Eventually all the townies are dead and the mall is a bit messy so they deceide to go somewhere else and fly off in the helicopter which is when the zombie head bit happens.
I know I kinda missed out the whole beginning of the film but there wasnt really much to it just a fight between Townies and Police with a bit of zombie munching on bodies, followed by a bit of zombie hunting in the country.
I know I kinda missed out the whole beginning of the film but there wasnt really much to it just a fight between Townies and Police with a bit of zombie munching on bodies, followed by a bit of zombie hunting in the country.