A new post, i've hardly been on here since my job started, its kinda a boring job but the people im working with are talkative and friendly which means its better than the uni. Not been doing much else aside sleeping, I will be doing more drawings once I find some time but there is very little chance of me having done them all by christmas. I don't know what's happening with my 3d animation at the moment as I need people to get back to me, needless to say it will be going ahead, and i do plan to have the first 3d character at a reasonable state by January, my flatm8 is again out of luck, after his legal issues, he was in Newcastle drinking last night and fell and got concussion, was at the hospital with him today but luckily it aint serious, hopefully once ive got some cash in January I can begin to enjoy myself again its all so boring just now.
soz for not getting back in touch, but i dont think i meet you before xmas. I got alot on me plate and stuff. But after xmas time would seem alot better, sometime in Jan. Hope the rest goes better, and merry xmas