Ill, Ill, Ill and Ill
Well i'd have to say I feel really crappy today, I slept all afternoon and feel no better, well thats enough time spent moaning, today had my evening class, last one is next week then ive got till January too finish it, the ICA(assignment)is to create a multimedia program that children can play about with in a cancer ward in a Hospital, so im going to make it as good as I can as the best ones will actually be avaliable to the children to use. Basically its to be set in a fairground, and has to use a bear as a character, ive posted my bear drawing if anyone wants to take a look, I will upload the final thing once its finished for people to see.
Im halfway through the character designs for the crew in my animation so will be ready next week to get feedback on them and assign interested people to specific characters. Im kinda looking forward to this all coming together now as I seemed to have been not really getting any closer to being ready to start this for a while now, all going well I will have my first character all built after christmas.
This christmas I will be going home to Scotland to see my parents from the 19th so will not be on here for a few weeks but my account will still be active, Im hoping to have all the drawing requests done by then, so I can work fully on my animation(after my ICA is done) Well cya later anyone that reads this, hope you are all feeling better than me and enjoying the run up to christmas.
Rate me on hotornot hehehe.

Im halfway through the character designs for the crew in my animation so will be ready next week to get feedback on them and assign interested people to specific characters. Im kinda looking forward to this all coming together now as I seemed to have been not really getting any closer to being ready to start this for a while now, all going well I will have my first character all built after christmas.
This christmas I will be going home to Scotland to see my parents from the 19th so will not be on here for a few weeks but my account will still be active, Im hoping to have all the drawing requests done by then, so I can work fully on my animation(after my ICA is done) Well cya later anyone that reads this, hope you are all feeling better than me and enjoying the run up to christmas.

Rate me on hotornot hehehe.
hey.. in your #2 pic, it totally screams young shane macgowan!

Thank you for saying I had a cute smile. It made me feel better.